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BancTrust & Co. Investment Bank launches U.S. Broker-Dealer Affiliate

PRNewswireMay 13, 20228 min

London-based Emerging Markets Investment Bank Announces the Launch of its Broker-Dealer Affiliate in New York

BancTrust & Co. Investment Bank (BancTrust), a leading global emerging markets investment bank, today announced the launch of BancTrust Securities USA (BancTrust USA), its U.S. broker-dealer affiliate. BancTrust USA is a member of Financial Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

BancTrust USA is based in New York City and will represent BancTrust with U.S. institutional investors and major U.S. institutional investors under a chaperoning agreement in compliance with SEC Rule 15a-6.

The initial New York-based team is comprised of Jack Thomas, MD Fixed Income Trading; Erik Berg, MD Debt Capital Markets; Rafael Elias, MD LatAm Corporate Credit Strategy; Dan Bowers, ED Fixed Income Sales; and Maurice Batista, ED Fixed Income Sales.

Prior to joining BancTrust USA, Jack was the Head of Emerging Market Trading – New York at Intesa Sanpaolo IMI Securities. He previously held positions at UBS Investment Bank, Santander, Societe Generale and ING Financial Markets. Jack has nearly 20 years of experience trading EM fixed income and has specialized in both Latin American and Asian credit markets. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Accounting from the College of the Holy Cross.

Erik has over 25 years of experience in international capital markets. He has had senior capital markets roles in New York at Deutsche Bank, ING, ABN Amro, Standard Bank of South Africa, Commerzbank, and Natixis, and been responsible for debt origination across Latin America including new bond issues, debt restructurings, debt buybacks and public and private sector debt exchanges. Mr. Berg is a graduate of Wesleyan UniversityConnecticut and holds an MBA from the IAE /Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires.

Rafael (Rafa) was previously a Director of Research for Latin America at StoneX and formerly at Tellimer Markets. His experience spans over 25 years of being responsible for macro and corporate strategy at Cantor Fitzgerald, Credit Agricole, Knight Libertas, UBS, Deutsche Bank, ING, and Credit Suisse. Rafa holds a Master’s degree in Public and Private Management (MPPM) from Yale University’s School of Management and a Civil Engineering Bachelor’s degree from Universidad Anahuac in Mexico.

Dan is an investment professional with 20 plus years of experience in emerging markets. Before joining BancTrust USA, he held senior EM sales roles with Unicredit and Societe Generale. Previously Dan had trading roles at Moore Capital, Depfa Investment Bank and Galileo Asset Management. He has an MBA in Business Administration and Bachelors in Banking and Finance from Hofstra University.

Maurice has over 20 years of experience in financial services, with a focus on global EM. Prior to joining BancTrust USA, he worked in EM institutional sales at Torino Capital and Stifel Financial. Previously, at Renaissance Capital Securities, he headed FICC sales in New York, focusing on Russia, CIS and Africa. He began his career in emerging markets at Chase Securities and has also worked in sales at BBVA and Cantor Fitzgerald. He holds an MBA from NYU Stern School and a BA in Political Science from UCLA.

CEO Carlos Fuenmayor commented, “I am thrilled to announce the expansion of the BancTrust group in the U.S. We have assembled a senior team with extensive experience in dealing in frontier and emerging markets. Our New York presence will enable us to better serve and grow our current U.S. client base as we aim to be their trusted partner in emerging markets.”

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