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BAM Debuts Alongside Two Institutional-Grade Bitcoin Investment Funds

Latest milestone underscores Blockstream’s leadership in advancing Bitcoin-based finance
BusinessWireJanuary 30, 20258 min

Blockstream, the global leader in Bitcoin infrastructure technology, has officially launched Blockstream Asset Management (BAM), the company’s new asset management division. The launch coincides with the unveiling of two Bitcoin-based investment funds set to open in Q1 2025—the Blockstream Income Fund and the Blockstream Alpha Fund—designed to meet growing demand for transparent, regulated, and secure financial products typically associated with traditional finance.

A third fund—the Blockstream Yield Fund—offering Bitcoin holders consistent, low-risk returns on their Bitcoin is scheduled to launch later this year.

“The launch of Blockstream Asset Management and our inaugural suite of investment funds represents Bitcoin’s evolution from a niche asset into a pillar of modern investment portfolios,” said Dr. Adam Back, CEO and co-founder of Blockstream. “With these funds, we’re providing a previously unavailable—but long sought after— way for institutional and high-net-worth investors to access the Bitcoin ecosystem. Combining the asset’s unique potential with the transparency, security, and innovation synonymous with Blockstream, this launch marks a key step in our mission to integrate Bitcoin into mainstream finance and drive global adoption.”

Together, the Blockstream Income Fund and Blockstream Alpha Fund represent a new class of regulated financial products under the 506(c) exemption, tailored to deliver innovative and performance-driven Bitcoin investment solutions for institutions and accredited investors.

Blockstream Income Fund: Stable, Predictable Income

The Blockstream Income Fund is a USD yield fund designed to generate stable, predictable USD basis income. By lending against Bitcoin collateral with conservative loan-to-value (LTV) ratios, the fund ensures robust collateralization and risk management while targeting yields in the high single digits to low-teens.

Focused on loans ranging from $100,000 to $5 million—a segment currently underserved by traditional lending markets—the fund capitalizes on pricing inefficiencies to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns. Leveraging Blockstream’s extensive network of Bitcoin-native startups and businesses with established Bitcoin treasuries, the fund ensures a consistent pipeline of high-quality borrowers. This strategic approach helps fuel the democratization of access to capital while addressing price inefficiencies for Bitcoin-backed loans, and the underutilization of Bitcoin’s unique attributes as collateral, including its 24/7 liquidity and settlement efficiency.

Blockstream Alpha Fund: Enhanced Returns within the Bitcoin Ecosystem

The Blockstream Alpha Fund combines diverse and uncorrelated strategies—such as derivatives trading, event-driven opportunities, and basis trading—with infrastructure-based revenue streams like Lightning Network node operations to offer consistent, risk-adjusted outperformance within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

This fund is ideal for institutional and sophisticated investors seeking an active management strategy to anchor or complement a core digital assets portfolio allocation, ensuring a dynamic balance of risk and return while actively contributing to the broader Bitcoin economy.

Delivering Innovative, Secure, and Regulated Bitcoin Investment Solutions

BAM’s launch marks the culmination of months of strategic planning and preparation, led by Blockstream CEO and co-founder Dr. Adam Back and Sean Bill, Blockstream’s Chief Investment Officer. Sean, who joined Blockstream in November 2024, brings with him three decades of experience in institutional portfolio and risk management. An early advocate for institutional Bitcoin adoption, especially within the pensions industry, his expertise has been instrumental in shaping BAM’s product offerings and aligning them with the needs of investors.

“We’re excited to see Blockstream Asset Management come to life with the launch of these funds, reflecting our commitment to bringing to market innovative, secure and regulated Bitcoin investment solutions,” said Sean Bill, Chief Investment Officer, Blockstream. “Everything about these products is designed not only to meet the evolving needs of institutional and high-net-worth investors but also to accelerate the Bitcoin flywheel—enhancing adoption, liquidity, and the broader Bitcoin ecosystem while offering a compelling value proposition in today’s financial landscape.”

Sean’s appointment, announced after the successful closure of a $210 million convertible note financing round led by Fulgur Ventures, underscores a strategic doubling down by Blockstream in 2025 to deliver institutional-grade solutions aimed at bridging the gap between Bitcoin and traditional finance. Today’s announcement comes on the heels of a $75 million strategic investment earlier this month by Blockstream Capital Partners into Komainu, a regulated digital asset custodian backed by Nomura’s Laser Digital. The investment aims to integrate best-in-class technologies from Blockstream—such as the Liquid Network and its associated Asset Management Platform (AMP)—within Komainu’s custody solutions, further enhancing its institutional offerings.

To learn more about Blockstream Asset Management and its suite of Bitcoin-based investment funds, visit Alternatively, click here to connect directly with a representative.



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