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Concurrent Taps Industry Leader As Head of Retirement Division

The strategic addition will enhance the firm’s support of retirement plan-focused advisors and sets the stage for future growth
BusinessWireDecember 20, 20245 min

Concurrent Investment Advisors, LLC (“Concurrent”), a leading multi-custodial, hybrid registered investment adviser (“RIA”), has added David Montgomery to lead the firm’s retirement division. In his new role as Managing Director of Retirement Plan Services, Montgomery will serve as a partner and key resource in refining the firm’s retirement offerings, optimizing processes, and providing strategic guidance to expand Concurrent’s reach. Their efforts will focus on delivering greater value to both advisors and their retirement plan clients.

The addition is part of Concurrent’s strategic investment in the retirement space as a key driver of its long-term growth goals. Montgomery comes to Concurrent with nearly two decades of experience in retirement planning advisory services. He has devoted his entire career to the retirement space, including serving as co-founder of a boutique 3(38) fiduciary firm specializing in tailored retirement solutions. Most recently, Montgomery served as Director of Retirement Investment Services at OneDigital. He has played a pivotal role in developing advisor-centric investment solutions and has successfully shaped M&A strategies.

“Our dedicated retirement division further advances Concurrent’s support of advisors, unifying all our offerings in a thoughtful manner for the benefit of the advisors and their clients,” said Eddy Augsten, Managing Director of Investments at Concurrent. “David’s expansive expertise in outsourced investments will be key to fulfilling our goal of offering advisors intentional support to grow their practices and strengthen their client relationships.”

With the retirement division in place, Concurrent is well-positioned to enhance its offerings through thoughtful growth initiatives. These include deploying a robust acquisition strategy in the retirement sector, integrating established services like Centralized Wealth Advisory Solutions (CWAS) and expanding Concurrent Asset Management’s solutions to address the needs of participants across all wealth segments. Additionally, both clients and advisors will benefit from the TIFIN @Work platform, which will support the growth of the retirement plan business and enhance the quality of service provided. This level of integration allows Concurrent to reach more plan sponsors, provide deeper financial planning support to participants, and create greater opportunities for advisors to thrive.

Montgomery added: “I’m honored to join Concurrent and build a retirement platform that empowers advisors to focus on making a meaningful and lasting impact for their clients. By providing the tools and resources advisors need to reduce daily obstacles, we can enhance outcomes for plan sponsors, participants, and their families, creating a ripple effect of financial wellness that spans generations.”

“At Concurrent, we are continuously seeking ways to broaden our reach, bringing sound advice to individuals and institutions. David’s career exemplifies that same dedication,” said Nate Lenz, CEO and co-founder of Concurrent. “Under his leadership, our retirement division is poised to drive thoughtful growth and provide invaluable support to our advisors as they elevate their practices and client outcomes.”

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