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DataVisor Debuts Fast, Accurate Algorithms for Real-Time Fraud Detection

First and only real-time solution that aggregates and computes fraud-detection features for massive data volumes with 100% precision and reliability
BusinessWireDecember 10, 20246 min

Today, DataVisor, the world’s leading AI-powered fraud and risk platform, launched a groundbreaking solution that computes hotspot, distinct count, and high-frequency features in real-time with 100% accuracy for high-dimensional data at an unprecedented scale. Identifying hotspots and computing distinct counts in real time has long been a significant challenge due to the complexity and volume of streaming data, but this solution sets a new standard for scalability and precision. Traditional systems often rely on estimates or delayed batch processing, sacrificing accuracy for speed. In contrast, DataVisor’s solution delivers 100% accurate results within milliseconds, enabling organizations to stay ahead of modern fraud threats with unmatched efficiency and total transparency.

Hotspots—areas of unusually high activity, such as a sudden surge in transactions from a specific region or device—often signal potential fraud, making their real-time identification critical. Distinct counts, which measure the number of unique items in a dataset (like customer IDs or device fingerprints), are essential for uncovering anomalies and maintaining data integrity. Fraud detection heavily relies on identifying these abnormal patterns and counting unique behaviors quickly and precisely. Speed and precision are crucial for uncovering hidden threats and mitigating risks before they escalate, especially given fraudsters’ increasingly sophisticated tactics. Achieving this requires advanced analytics that can handle massive volumes of data without compromising accuracy.

At the same time, meeting regulatory requirements and ensuring customer transparency are key expectations for modern financial systems. Regulations increasingly mandate that financial institutions provide detailed, accurate insights into how fraud is detected, while customers demand understandable explanations for actions taken on their accounts. This makes precision in identifying hotspots and counting distinct activities essential—not only for catching fraudulent behavior effectively but also for proving compliance and building trust with customers with complete transparency.

Until now, computing these distinct counts and detecting hotspots in real time posed a nearly impossible challenge due to the high computational cost and latency. Even batch processing of these features is often resource-intensive and challenging. For instance, failing to compute a feature like the distinct number of transactions at a specific merchant over the past twelve months in real-time compromises the accuracy of fraud detection, increasing the risk of missed fraud and negatively impacting the customer experience with approximations.

“After a series of pioneering advancements, we’re introducing the only solution on the market that has the precision and scale to tackle today’s complex real-time fraud challenges,” said Caiwei Li, Chief Technology Officer at DataVisor. “This launch embodies our dedication to redefining fraud prevention by harnessing our advanced infrastructure. Delivering unmatched speed, precision, and security, we help customers stay ahead of evolving threats, setting a new standard for the future of fraud defense.”

By processing features in real time, DataVisor helps businesses save resources and strengthen their fraud prevention strategies. Real-time, granular feature processing is essential in high-volume environments, such as large merchants or processors who handle millions of transactions per day. DataVisor’s solution ensures accurate fraud risk assessments, instant responses, and regulatory compliance, providing transparent decisioning explanations to customers and regulators.

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