Adding further depth to its leading financial services practice, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP has added seasoned bank regulatory lawyer Max Bonici as a partner in its Washington, D.C., office.
Bonici brings to the firm significant experience advising financial institutions inside and outside the U.S. on regulatory, supervisory, and enforcement matters. His work on bank regulatory matters often involves advising clients on statutes including the Bank Holding Company Act, the International Banking Act, the National Bank Act, and the Dodd-Frank Act’s Volcker Rule. For banks, non-bank affiliates, and other financial services providers, Bonici counsels on core bank regulatory issues that involve the Federal Reserve, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and other bank regulators.
Most recently, Bonici was in private practice at a major law firm in Washington, D.C., and New York.
“Max combines his experience with bank regulatory issues, an area of traditional strength at DWT, with a fluency in fintech and digital assets that will expand our strength in that area and help carry our practice forward,” said Elizabeth Davis, co-chair of the financial services practice at DWT.
“Max’s addition to our deep regulatory bench, complementing our existing bank regulatory, consumer, enforcement, and litigation expertise, makes us a truly complete provider to financial institutions, financial services providers, and fintech pioneers,” said Andy Lorentz, also co-chair.
The DWT group has added several top laterals in 2024, including Melissa Baal Guidorizzi, a former senior counsel at the CFPB, Russell Fecteau, a former senior enforcement attorney at FINRA, and Barry O’Connell, a former enforcement attorney at the SEC.
“DWT’s leadership position in financial services is undisputable,” said Bonici. “I’m looking forward to contributing to the regulatory, enforcement, and transactional work that the firm is already performing for its financial services clients at the highest level.”
Bonici received both his B.A. and J.D. from George Washington University. Before entering private practice, he worked at the FDIC and the International Monetary Fund. He serves on the board of directors of Women in Housing and Finance and co-chairs the Subcommittee on Enforcement of the American Bar Association’s Banking Law Committee.
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