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InvestCloud Partners With 55ip

BusinessWireFebruary 8, 20234 min

55ip’s integration onto the InvestCloud Financial Supermarket™ furthers InvestCloud’s mission to transform the industry, through scalable technology aimed to deliver better financial outcomes

InvestCloud, the global leader in digital transformation for the financial industry, and 55ip, the tax-smart investment platform, today announce a breakthrough partnership to integrate 55ip’s tax-smart investment technology into the InvestCloud Financial Supermarket™. The integrated offering expands the products, strategies and tax optimization options available to advisors to seamlessly discover and add to client portfolios, optimizing for tax at a time when maximizing returns is paramount.

55ip has seen huge adoption for its ActiveTax® technology, which uses intelligent automation to elevate portfolios through automated tax-smart transitions, management and withdrawals. This technology will be integrated onto the InvestCloud platform, making it accessible to over 400 wealth management firms with over 25 million accounts on the InvestCloud platform. Advisors will now be able to maximize tax efficiency for their clients across the wealth continuum.

The partnership aligns with InvestCloud’s drive to transform the communication, shopping and selling of financial products within the industry. From a single digital platform via the Financial Supermarket, advisors serving US clients can have access to tax-efficient products through simple search with direct indexing, tax-loss harvesting, tax-efficient portfolio rebalancing and tax transition, pre-integrated into the implementation of portfolios across a myriad of account structures, including true Unified Management Accounts (UMAs).

“Now more than ever, tax-efficient investing is front of mind for advisors as they try to squeeze out every marginal gain amid more volatile markets. There is no better time to enhance tax strategies to align with a client’s long-term goals,” said Cheryl Nash, InvestCloud’s CEO of the Financial Supermarket™. “Integrating 55ip’s powerful technology is an exciting step on our journey to simplifying product selection by digitizing the way advisors optimize for tax when constructing and managing client portfolios.”

Paul Gamble, 55ip’s CEO, commented: “Automating tax-smart management is vital to delivering personalized portfolios at scale that deliver more value to clients. Partnering with InvestCloud means more advisors will have access to the tax-efficient tools they need to help clients reach their financial goals. A fundamental part of our strategy is integrating with premier platforms serving advisors. Our partnership with InvestCloud is a major step on our path to become the industry standard for tax-smart management.”

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