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Issuance Announces Letter Of Intent To Acquire Pioneering FinTech Marketing Firm CrowdfundX

Digital Securities

Issuance, Inc., a marketing platform for digital securities, today announced that it has executed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to acquire the assets of CrowdfundX, a leading financial marketing firm known for marketing some of the industry’s most notable digital securities offerings (DSOs) and Regulation (Reg) A+ IPOs. The transaction will be subject to the completion of due diligence and definitive legal documents acceptable to all parties.

This comes after the Company recently announced a listing agreement with OpenFinance Network, the first U.S. based regulated digital securities trading platform, and a strategic partnership with Securitize, an end-to-end platform for tokenizing any asset.

For the past five years, CrowdfundX has helped its clients increase their visibility and raise capital from both institutional and retail investors. CrowdfundX is the only marketing firm in the country to have successfully completed a series of historic Reg A+ IPOs to NASDAQ (FAT Brands), NYSE (Myomo) and OTC Markets Group (Elio Motors). In late 2017, CrowdfundX  launched DSO marketing services to meet increasing market demand, delivering successful campaigns for notable issuers including tZERO and KODAKOne.

“CrowdfundX is a compelling acquisition for Issuance,” said Darren Marble, CEO of Issuance. “Once completed, Issuance will offer an end-to-end suite of deal marketing technology and services solutions to DSO issuers.”

CrowdfundX has a 500,000 retail investor dataset and clients that include tZERO, KODAKOne, and Drake’s Virginia Black Whiskey. In the past eighteen months, CrowdfundX generated $3 million topline revenue and has been profitable for the past three years.

Issuance is currently raising capital under Regulation D 506(c) offering. Issuance will tokenize its capital interests after completing its raise and list Issuance digital securities on the OpenFinance Network ATS.

For more information about Issuance, visit

About Issuance, Inc.
Issuance is a modern marketing platform for digital securities. The issuance platform connects, engages, and matches digital securities issuers with authenticated, interested investors. For more information, visit

About CrowdfundX
CrowdfundX is a FinTech marketing firm that markets digital securities offerings and Reg A+ IPOs. The company provides clients with the tools and resources necessary to execute successful and compliant offerings while reducing the cost and complexity of acquiring both institutional and retail investors. For more information, visit

Legal Disclaimer
This offer is being made in the U.S. pursuant to Regulation D 506(c) of the Securities Act as an exempt offering, and therefore, is only available to accredited investors (i.e. net worth is greater than $1 million or income above $200,000 among other requirements). An indication of interest made by a prospective investor in a Regulation D offering is non-binding and involves no obligation or commitment of any kind.

The offer is also being made to select non-U.S. persons under Section 902 of Regulation S of the Securities Act and applicable laws of each jurisdiction where such offer and sales occur.

Media Contact:
Vanessa Brist
(805) 637-1963

SOURCE Issuance, Inc.


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