Nassau Re/Imagine today announced the launch of TalentBridge23, a six-month incubation program that will connect talent, innovation, and opportunity within the Hartford insurtech community beginning in January, 2023.
Nassau Re/Imagine will run the program, which is also sponsored by CGI and LTIMindtree in conjunction with the University of Connecticut (UConn), and University of Hartford (UHart).
Ten startups working to address two important issues for seniors – retirement and health – were selected for the program.
Prior to the January start, these startups will be partnered with mentors from one of the three sponsoring companies, a university faculty advisor, at least one experienced industry advisor, and an investor. They also will be matched with interns in the joint UConn/UHart insurtech program.
Throughout the program, they will have free access to shared workspace at One American Row in Hartford, Nassau’s headquarters where CGI and LTIMindtree maintain their Connecticut offices.
At the end of the program, the startups will have the opportunity to pitch in front of a select group of Connecticut-affiliated angel investors and VCs for possible funding.
Paul Tyler, Chief Marketing Officer for Nassau Financial Group and founder of Nassau Re/Imagine, commented, “In addition to direct benefits for the startups, this program will provide many more for our region. These include stronger ties among local companies, universities, startups and leading insurance carriers, a spotlight for emerging insurance talent and local job creation, and more visibility for Connecticut as a hub of industry innovation.”
Domenic Luppino, Vice President Consulting Services, CGI, noted, “CGI is excited to sponsor the TalentBridge23 program. Since our inception, we have been committed to supporting our community and the local companies and talent in Connecticut. We feel strongly that there is no better insurance talent in the world than what we have available in Hartford.” He added, “Programs such as TalentBridge are key to growing the success of Connecticut through providing an incubator for talent, innovation, and excellence.”
Greg Dietrich, Vice President, Head of Americas Regional Delivery, LTIMindtree, said, “TalentBridge is an exciting opportunity for our team to invest in Hartford as a tech hub. It’s yet another tangible investment we are making in the Hartford community as we continue to spread the word that LTIMindtree is a great place to work for so many reasons.” He added, “It will enable us to further strengthen our engagement with local universities and colleges, community service outreach programs, and other opportunities to showcase LTIMindtree as an employer of choice in the Hartford area.”
Jennifer E. Mathieu, M.Ed., Executive Director, Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, commented, “UConn has been a proud supporter of the growing insurtech industry in Connecticut and is happy to be a part of the team launching the TalentBridge23 initiative. It is our hope that through this program students are provided with excellent education and access to a career pipeline into exciting roles in this industry.”
Kenneth A. Goroshko, Instructor, Executive In Residence, Risk Management & Insurance, Barney School of Business, University of Hartford, said, “UHart’s Barney School of Business has appreciated the opportunity to build first-in-nation InsurTech Venturing coursework in collaboration with UConn School of Business. This has been a critical steppingstone to supporting TalentBridge23 and providing innovative startups with next generation risk management and insurance talent.”
Startups Selected for TalentBridge23
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