Open Payment Network (OPN) and North American Banking Company (NABC) today announced the capability to deliver instant payments to and from any financial institution on The Clearing House’s Real Time Payment (TCH-RTP) network through NABC’s ExcheQ application. By leveraging OPN’s certified interoperability with TCH-RTP, NABC can offer customers more payment options along with the payment speed for which ExcheQ is known.
“We’ve been working closely with OPN to develop this instant payment solution for our customers,” said North American Banking Company CEO Michael Bilski. “Now that OPN is officially certified on the TCH-RTP network, we can dramatically expand the number of financial institutions that our customers can interact with via ExcheQ.”
Leveraging OPN’s interoperability with the TCH-RTP network, financial institutions can gain access to all of the other financial institutions on the RTP Network. Using OPN’s open API, financial institutions can easily create custom instant payment applications for their customers and rely on OPN to power those solutions across the RTP network.
“The Clearing House recently certified our platform to interoperate with the RTP network,” said Open Payment Network CEO Bradley Wilkes. “With our ability to connect to this expansive real-time payment network, we can now deliver the benefits of instant payments to more financial institutions, like North American Banking Company.”
Real-time payments are facilitated by The Clearing House RTP network and soon by the FedNow service. OPN is interoperable with RTP and is part of the FedNow pilot program.
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