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Plumery and Fimple Announce Strategic Partnership

Plumery and Fimple Announce Strategic Partnership to Help Financial Institutions in Their Digital Banking Journeys
PlumeryJuly 3, 20247 min

Plumery, a digital banking experience platform for true customer-centric banking, and Fimple, a next-generation core banking provider, have joined forces to offer challenger and incumbent banks a comprehensive suite of digital banking features, ranging from digital experience to core banking. The collaboration will combine Plumery’s and Fimple’s extensive banking expertise, giving forward-thinking financial institutions the crucial ability to drive greater efficiencies and meet the evolving needs of tech-savvy customers.

In a competitive market, it’s essential to move quickly. The combination of Plumery and Fimple’s digital banking solutions provides financial institutions with up to 80% of their requirements needed to go to market out-of-the-box while also enabling them to innovate further. This allows banks to move beyond legacy technology, invest more in a truly unique banking experience, and accelerate time to market with significantly reduced costs.

Ben Goldin, Founder and CEO of Plumery, commented, “As the financial services sector evolves, the demand for innovative, customer-centric digital banking solutions continues to grow. Our collaboration with Fimple opens up new possibilities for financial institutions looking to modernise their digital banking journeys and create personalised and immersive interactions with customers across online and mobile banking channels.”

This end-to-end, customer-first, digital banking partnership is set to empower banks and other financial institutions by providing them with a robust, scalable foundation for modernising their digital presence. Plumery’s digital banking experience platform, Digital Success Fabric, enables financial institutions to roll out unique mobile and web applications. Together with Fimple’s innovative core banking solution, the collaboration will allow financial institutions to rapidly deploy state-of-the-art digital banking services.

“We are thrilled to join forces with Plumery to offer a comprehensive suite of digital banking features, ranging from digital account opening to real-time transaction processing, for both challenger and incumbent banks. Our combined solution allows customers to go to market in a matter of months rather than years, not only saving money but also enabling them to gradually build a truly unique banking experience,” said Mücahit Gündebahar, CEO of Fimple.

About Plumery

Headquartered in the Netherlands, Plumery operates with a diverse team that embodies a unique combination of seasoned expertise and vibrant innovation. This blend has been cultivated through years of experience at start-ups, scale-ups, and established financial institutions, and most notably at globally leading financial technology companies, where they were instrumental in creating disruptive digital banking solutions and platforms that now serve 300+ banks globally.

Operating across Amsterdam, Lisbon, and Vilnius, and founded in 2022, Plumery’s mission is to empower financial institutions worldwide, regardless of size, to craft distinctive, contemporary, and customer-centric mobile and web experiences.

Plumery’s Digital Success Fabric platform provides banks with the foundation for success beyond fast-time-to-market by expediting the development of their digital front ends while significantly cutting costs compared to in-house initiatives or solutions with high total cost of ownership (TCO).

For more information about Plumery and its offerings, please visit www.plumery.com

About Fimple

Fimple leads in providing innovative, cloud-based core banking solutions designed to be composable and extendible. The platform empowers financial institutions to innovate swiftly, offering flexible and scalable solutions that enhance operational efficiency and customer engagement. Leveraging advanced technology, Fimple enables financial institutions to rapidly adapt to market demands, ensuring unparalleled digital banking experiences.

Committed to driving the future of banking technology, Fimple delivers seamless and exceptional digital banking solutions. The platform’s flexibility allows for easy integration with existing systems, facilitating a smooth transition to a modern and efficient banking infrastructure. Fimple’s focus on customer-centric solutions fosters lasting partnerships with financial institutions, helping them achieve their goals and exceed customer expectations.

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, Fimple stands as a reliable partner, dedicated to transforming banking through innovative technology and seamless digital experiences.

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Headquartered in the Netherlands, Plumery operates with a diverse team that embodies a unique combination of seasoned expertise and vibrant innovation. This blend has been cultivated through years of experience at start-ups, scale-ups, and established financial institutions, and most notably at globally leading financial technology companies, where they were instrumental in creating disruptive digital banking solutions and platforms that now serve 300+ banks globally. Operating across Amsterdam, Lisbon, and Vilnius, and founded in 2022, Plumery’s mission is to empower financial institutions worldwide, regardless of size, to craft distinctive, contemporary, and customer-centric mobile and web experiences. Plumery’s Digital Success Fabric platform provides banks with the foundation for success beyond fast-time-to-market by expediting the development of their digital front ends while significantly cutting costs compared to in-house initiatives or solutions with high total cost of ownership (TCO).


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