B2Broker Announced Annual Payments for B2Core, MarksMan

B2Broker is excited to announce that it now offers an annual payment option for the three core products: MarksMan, B2Core, and B2Trader. With the introduction of this new plan, customers will be provided with a discount and a simpler approach to planning their budget. This change will allow the company to streamline its finances and improve cash flow. The annual plan is already applicable to all three products. MarksMan Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just...

B2Broker Introduces B2Core To Offer Businesses Brand New Pack-Based Trader’s Room Concept

B2Broker, a leading liquidity and technology provider of solutions to the forex and crypto industry, is pleased to introduce B2Core, a major upgrade to its client cabinet solution Trader’s Room, which has undergone a major overhaul in response to client demand and to meet today’s exacting business needs. All New Client Cabinet Concept B2Core takes on a whole new guise embracing a vast new range of new capabilities, culminating in an innovative and unique bespoke service...

B2Broker Becomes First Regulated Forex Liquidity Provider in Belarus After Securing NBRB License

B2Broker, a leading liquidity and technology provider of solutions to the forex and crypto industry, has become the first approved Forex and CFD Liquidity Provider in Belarus after securing the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB) License, the company announced today. The Forex licence is issued under the name of Prime Brokerage Services Limited (B2Prime), part of B2Broker group of companies and allows the company to operate in Belarus in accordance with the...


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