eflow’s Global Trends in Market Abuse and Trade Surveillance Report

UK-based RegTech (Regulatory Technology) scaleup eflow Global launches an extensive research-based report exploring the regulatory landscape, global market abuse trends, and the compliance challenges that regulated firms are experiencing across global markets. The Global Trends in Market Abuse and Trade Surveillance report includes new research gathered from 250 senior compliance professionals operating in the sector. The in depth report was commissioned by eflow alongside leading regulatory research experts and details the pressures faced by regulated firms in...

CapZone Analytics Releases 1.0 of its Compliance Platform

Following commercial availability announced on January 18, CapZone Analytics has delivered the first round of CapZone Reports to Qualified Opportunity Funds, establishing a strong tax compliance and risk management foundation for Funds and investors consistent with 26 U.S. Code § 1400Z-2. As Opportunity Zone (OZ) Funds and investors prepare for increasing regulatory scrutiny, the CapZone Reports are critical. The core of CapZone Analytics’ platform is the OZ Rules Engine, which codifies IRS regulations for investors, Funds, and...


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