Utopia is freedom, anonymity, and censorship-free driven product designed for secure communication, anonymous payments and a truly free Internet without borders. Total surveillance, information flow control, and official deceptions are exactly what Utopia is intended to prevent. With Utopia you are able to bypass online censorship and firewalls, meaning that you are free to communicate with whoever you want whenever you want. Freedom of speech is guaranteed by the Utopia ecosystem. User physical location cannot be revealed. Communication and data cannot be intercepted and read by a 3rd party. All account data is stored on Utopia user’s local device in an encrypted file. Utopia is a decentralized peer-to-peer network, with no central server involved in data transmission or storage. The network is supported by people who use it and delivers high-quality features and perfectly smooth user Interface that offers a lot of value. Fintech News
Utopia P2P software consists of a large number of built-in applications for your daily use in one single platform: uMessenger for instant encrypted text and voice messaging, file transfer and storage, group chats and channels, news feeds and private discussion. All data in group chats, channels and personal chats are encrypted by default with a combination of 256-bit AES and Curve25519 high-speed encryption and doesn’t require any additional actions to enable encryption. A channel can be geotagged using integrated uMaps, which simplifies the Utopia channel search and adds an additional security layer. As a result, there is no need to use public map services which are known to collect your data to feed Big Data massives. Utopia has launched with the features below:
uMail is a decentralized spam-free alternative to currently outdated traditional e-mail. No servers are used for mail transmission or storage. uMail account, that is created in a minute, enables unlimited messaging and attachment stor`age. Utopia ecosystem encryption guarantees the security of mail transmission and storage. Your uMail, as an internal part of Utopia, cannot be blocked or seized.
uWallet for anonymous payments denominated in Utopia internal mineable cryptocurrency Crypton, accept payments at your website, pay by Crypto Cards without revealing your Identity or bill fellow Utopia users for your services. Proof-of-Memory technology is used for Crypton mining that has almost no effect on your hardware and power consumption. All users of Utopia Network receive rewards in Cryptons every 15 minutes for just staying online and thereby supporting Utopia peer-to-peer Network by participating in encrypted data transmission.
uNS is Utopia Name System that is a safer alternative to the traditional Domain Name System (DNS). This is a decentralized registry of names that are impossible to expropriate, freeze or corrupt by 3rd-party. Once registered, it is your property for infinity. uNS combined with Packet Forwarding functionality allows you to tunnel any kind of data between users of the ecosystem, making possible to host different types of resources including websites inside Utopia Network. Registered uNS name can also be linked to your Utopia channel, group or personal profile.
Idyll is Utopia’s built-in Idyll private browser to surf websites hosted in Utopia peer-to-peer network. Idyll is a great alternative to an already outdated and vulnerable TOR browser.
Utopia is made with care for developers and provides API for quick and easy integration is available for every Utopia user. Utopia has been in development for 5 years and other features include, voice encryption, emoticons, multiplayer games, collaboration, and organizing tools. When you use Utopia Big Brother is no longer watching you.
Everyone can start using this exceptional product on Windows, Mac OS and Linux platforms by downloading Utopia client at https://u.is
Intro video: https://youtu.be/tQQpCW50wpA