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$500M of Global PayFi Transaction Scales with Credible and Plume

PRNewswireDecember 9, 20247 min

Plume Network is proud to partner with Credible Finance, a full-stack payment financing platform within the Plume ecosystem, as they gear up to process $500 million in payment transactions by December 2025. Leveraging Plume’s modular RWAfi L1 blockchain infrastructure, Credible is a full-stack PayFi protocol that combines stablecoins, debt tokenization, and advanced AI-driven credit scoring. They are backed by prominent investors such as Outlier Ventures, BitSwiss Capital, and Circle, Credible is at the forefront of transforming decentralized finance. As they continue to innovate and expand, Credible is also actively raising their seed round, further strengthening their foundation for global impact.

As a strategic partner, Plume is deeply integrated within Credible’s infrastructure. From empowering their native credit scoring mechanisms to supporting their validator oracle network and incorporating their yield-generating products across Nest and various Plume-based lending protocols, this partnership is a cornerstone of Plume’s commitment to decentralized finance innovation.

Credible’s full-stack platform is designed to address the complexities of payment financing with a comprehensive approach:

DeFi for Collateral Management: Ensures full transparency in collateral handling, preventing issues similar to those seen with Celsius and BlockFi. This secures borrower assets while maintaining trust and accountability.
Licensed Framework: Operates in compliance with payment, lending, and crypto regulations, tailored to fit the needs of borrowers and the jurisdictions they operate in.
Fintech App: A seamless platform enabling fiat borrowing and repayment for end-users. Additionally, Credible provides an SDK for fintech developers to build custom solutions on top of their infrastructure.
Oracle AI for Reputation Building: Aiming to transition from overcollateralized to undercollateralized and eventually no-collateral loans, Credible’s AI-powered Oracle integrates a credit scoring model akin to FICO. This system builds on-chain reputations for borrowers by assessing wallet activity across DeFi platforms.
Transforming PayFi with Decentralized Innovation

Credible Finance’s PayFi solutions span invoice payments, payroll, card top-ups, and BNPL offerings for retail and institutional users alike. These services, built on Plume’s robust blockchain foundation, are designed to deliver a seamless and secure transactional experience.

Credible Finance is building an advanced oracle stack designed to revolutionize on-chain credit scoring and reputation systems. This AI-powered oracle leverages a credit scoring model akin to FICO, aggregating wallet and transactional data across DeFi platforms, including those outside Credible Finance, to create transparent, unbiased credit assessments. With a long-term vision of transitioning from overcollateralized to undercollateralized and eventually no-collateral loans, this system enables borrowers to establish robust on-chain reputations. Governed by a coalition of partners like Credora, Brickken, DeFactor, and BitSwiss Capital, Credible’s oracle stack exemplifies innovation in secure, scalable DeFi infrastructure.

Supporting the Next Frontier of DeFi-Powered Financing

Plume is collaborating with Credible Finance to advance their long-term vision of decentralized, AI-driven credit solutions. By integrating Credible’s products across Nest, Plume is enabling smooth participation in yield-generating opportunities and enhancing accessibility to under-collateralized and no-collateral loans.

“Credible is setting a gold standard for what PayFi can achieve in the decentralized finance space,” said Chris Yin, CEO of Plume Network. “Their success is a testament to the robustness of Plume’s RWAfi infrastructure to drive transformative solutions that are global, scalable, and user-centric.”

A Shared Vision for Global Impact

Credible has facilitated $6 million in USDC loans over the past three months since its private launch, showcasing strong early adoption and operational efficiency. These transactions, executed on a live network, underscore Credible’s ability to deliver impactful and scalable financial solutions. Operating out of Abu Dhabi, Credible is actively expanding its presence in key markets, including Singapore, India, Brazil, and the Philippines, positioning itself for significant growth and success as it prepares for its mainnet launch.

Looking Ahead: A Future of Decentralized and Transparent Financial Services

Plume’s collaboration with Credible underscores its commitment to supporting innovative DeFi solutions that enable liquidity, efficiency, and trust at scale. With a target of $500 million in transactions by 2025, Credible is not only a testament to the transformative potential of PayFi but also a beacon of what’s possible when visionary platforms like Plume and Credible come together to reshape global financial systems.

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