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7 Emerging Trends in Fintech That Will Change the Financial Sector

FTB News DeskFebruary 2, 202210 min

Technology and its applications have made their way into all businesses. Financial transactions have been made easier with a click of a button. With the tech in the right place, the key stages of the financial processes can be automated easily. Here are the 7 emerging trends shaping the future of Fintech-

The concept of Fintech

Fintech in a nutshell is the combination of financial processes and technologies to elevate user experience. It enhances customer satisfaction and increases employee efficiency.

Automating financial processes is the key to enhancing employee productivity.

Why it matters

Finance is the fuel for businesses to keep their operations on track. Businesses have various expenses to meet. Bank loans and other financial instruments can support businesses to meet these liabilities. The financial sector provides the market with capital and liquidity. A strong finance industry signifies the ease of handling risks.

The Future of Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency having no reliance on any central authority. The ownership of the currency is defined as a digital ledger that is encrypted to a certain level of security. In the realistic scenario, they are not currencies; they are designated to a certain asset class. The construction of the currency is based on a specific technology and has its roots online.

Bitcoin works on the same lines. The transactions in this currency are recorded on a blockchain. However, this currency has been criticized for its use in illegal transactions. There are various perceptions of the currency applications.

From the view of future prospects, cryptocurrency has experienced ups and downs like no other currency. These views have ushered new regulations and laws for its use. The currency is facing stable grounds due to investor interests. But, it is difficult to predict the future of cryptocurrency in the coming years due to its volatile nature. Needless to say, the currency has invited rules and regulations.

Blockchains have supported banks to automate workflows. There are handpicked banks relying on traditional banking methods as the conventional ways increase manual workflows. The answer to eliminating human errors in the implementation of blockchain technology.

What is Fintech? What can Fintech do for you?

Financial technology or Fintech is the answer to simplifying the banking process. The goal of Fintech is to automate the key processes and deliver expected results.
On the business side, financial processes can be accessed through mobiles and other devices. The term Fintech has its roots in the 21st century when the technology was limited to large institutions. With the need for customer satisfaction and customer service becoming a top priority, technology has found its way to the financial sector.

Trends shaping Fintech

The applications of Fintech are resourceful throughout the market. This underlined the need to categorize financial services according to the offerings. The following points will help you to understand the applications better:

  • Lending

Until a certain time, the process was being manually fed and monitored. With the introduction of technology, the process has become way less complicated and time-consuming. The trend of online applications for loans has decreased the processing time. The creditworthiness of the applicant can be checked easily, facilitating easy decision-making.

  • Payments

Payments and Fintech are endlessly related. Paperless processes have made tedious tasks like filling forms and bank queues disappear. Digital payment transactions have made customer satisfaction the need of the hour.

  • International Transfers

Customers today use fewer international transactions. In the initial stages, the process was much slower. With the implementation of technology, the process has become faster with less charges for processing the transactions.

  • Personal Finance

Personal finance is needed by the market. This need is met through financial advisors to suggest individuals with investment plans and other financial advice.

  • Equity Financing

This trend is a boon for businesses. It targets start-ups with a need to finance early-stage operations. This trend requires no obligation for repayment, but the investors buy a part of the business and return through dividends. To summarise, they simplify business funding. NO, put in more effort.

  • Consumer banking

This trend has targeted customers in getting debit cards instead of credit cards. Consumer banking has provided untapped markets with access to financial services just like any other market segment.

  • Insurance

The companies in this industry usually partner with banks. This partnership benefits insurance companies as the service is a requirement of all individuals. With Fintech, it is easy to evaluate the eligibility of the applicant, considering the duration of the coverage.

AI to make predictions on investment

Investments are the need of the market. It’s imperative to invest in various market portfolios to make the right decision. AI-displayed suggestions on the investment front are based on algorithmic findings. But, investors have to study these decisions based on their requirements.

Closing lines

Fintech has various applications in financial and business ends. This denotes the ability of Fintech to shape the future of transactions and allied processes. In this context, the blend of technology and finance has supported many processes, taking customer satisfaction to a whole new level.

FTB News Desk


We are one of the world’s leading Fintech-based media publication with our content strategized and synthesized to fit right into the expanding ecosystem of Finance professionals. Be it fintech live news, finance press releases, tech articles from Fintech evangelists or interviews from top leaders from global fintech firms, we give the best slice of knowledge topped up with the aptest trends. Our sole mission is to help tech and finance professionals step up with the rapidly emerging Fintech civilization and gain better insights to emerge victorious in every possible way. We adopt a 360-degree approach in order to cater to present a holistic picture of the fintech arena.

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