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Blockchain Company Algorand Launches Global Partner Program

Professional Services, Infrastructure and Complementary Product Offerings Meet Growing Demand for Algorand-Based Solutions
PRNewswireNovember 20, 20207 min

Algorand, a world-class blockchain powering secure and efficient friction less exchange, today announced the Algorand Partner Program (APP), designed to build and curate a partner ecosystem that enables and delivers Algorand-based products to market faster, easier, and with end users in mind. APP participants can differentiate their services and expand their business in the private and public sector with organizations at different stages of their blockchain journey: from those exploring blockchain’s potential to those already working on blockchain projects.

Program participants benefit from unique access to resources and support in building and delivering their Algorand-based offering. Additionally, they get access to the exponentially growing market of organizations seeking resources to develop or adopt Algorand-based solutions. The initial list of companies accepted in the APP includes:

  • Applied Blockchain, a company that develops enterprise software solutions for clients using blockchain and privacy-preserving technologies.
  • Rocket Insights, the fastest-growing product agency in the United States, focused on creating beautiful apps for Mobile, Voice, and the Web.
  • Mentat Innovations, a company that delivers Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain solutions for enterprises seeking to unlock the hidden value of their data.
  • BLOCKCHAIN ITALIA.io, a software developer based, specializing in fintech and blockchain.
  • Nona Digital, a high-end custom software studio.
  • Emali, an enterprise technology company that develops, licenses, supports, and delivers fintech software, solutions, and related services.
  • Bluemi, a technology payment company focused on business adoption of digital currency.
  • Cartan, a full-service fintech management consulting company with deep regulated institutional experience.
  • IntellectEU, a leader in digital finance and emerging technologies that offers strategic consultancy, operations support, and implementation services.
  • Looptribe, a software consulting company focused on digital innovation and transformation.
  • Reach, a consulting company that developed the fattest, safest, and easiest way to build applications on Algorand.
  • Koibanx, a financial assets tokenization platform, customizable for payments and digital banking products.

“As organizations, central banks, and governments begin to leverage blockchain to transform the way they create value and facilitate economic exchange the demands to provide organizations with support, resources and professional services are increasing exponentially,” said W. Sean Ford, COO of Algorand, Inc. “From DeFi startups to traditional financial institutions across a variety of sectors and geographies, Algorand’s Partner Program will help companies navigate their path to building enduring value through blockchain adoption.”

Some of the APP participants, such as Applied Blockchain and IntellectEU, have recently introduced new applications built with Algorand technology.

“Algorand’s advanced technology is best-in-class for financial products and services of the future,” said Chris Kelly, Product Manager at IntellectEU. “Having seen Algorand’s commitment to building out the ecosystem and supporting its users, we are excited to be a part of the Algorand Partner Program as it will open up new opportunities for us and our clients as we build next-generation blockchain solutions.”

“We have been working with the Algorand team for almost a year on a number of initiatives, and we have found them to be one of the most professional teams in our field,” said Adi Ben-Ari, Founder and CEO of Applied Blockchain. “We look forward to deeper collaboration through the partner program, making it easier to define a clear track to building success for our company and our clients on blockchain.”

Algorand plans to expand its program, adding more partners globally to facilitate integrations with enterprise, governments, and financial institutions that leverage Algorand blockchain. This will include select consulting firms, system integrators, software development firms, infrastructure and complementary service providers, which provide the capabilities to enable and ensure success of Algorand’s adoption. Companies interested in becoming a part of the program can apply at algorand.com/partners.

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