Dilweg, a leading real estate investment firm with 5.5M square feet and $1.26B of assets under management in the Southeast, is looking to reshape itself by adding more Single Story Creative Office, Community Development, and Experiential Hospitality assets to its growing portfolio.
Much of the firm’s success over the last 25 years has been due to strategic investments in Class A office buildings; finding unique opportunities for acquisition, renovation, leasing and disposition that continue to catalyze growth in their markets and bring positive returns for their investor partners. However, there are sometimes unforeseen elements of leasing that can disrupt an otherwise valuable asset and require a pivot in overall strategy.
“Since we began, the consistent refinement of our practices has created unparalleled results,” says Anthony Dilweg, the firm’s Founder and CEO. “That said, refinement in today’s economy sometimes means knowing when to strategically let go of an asset, and conversely, when to double down on high performing assets. That’s why we feel strongly that by balancing and reimagining a traditional office portfolio with new alternative assets, we can stay ahead of the curve, keep our properties in high demand, and continue to serve a steadfast investor base.”
Currently, Dilweg manages a little over 1.5M square feet in Single Story Creative Office assets with plans to acquire more in the near future. These office spaces offer a diverse sampling of businesses in one convenient place. By selecting locations where commerce is a mainstay, Dilweg has opened the door to lucrative opportunities for businesses throughout the southeast. In 2022, Dilweg executed the largest number of square feet leased in the firm’s history and of most significance, 72% of those leases at 10k square feet or higher were all in Single Story Creative Office assets. Additionally, Dilweg recently closed on the disposition of 15.83 acres of land located adjacent to its Charlotte property, ThExchange, resulting in a significant win for the firm’s investors with some of the proceeds being allocated towards additional property improvements and enhancements.
The firm has also partnered with Lucrum 7, which includes product lines like The Carolina Experience, and acquired a golf course in eastern North Carolina called Occano. These deals add a mix of experience-driven, hospitality assets like Short-Term Rentals and an impressive waterfront residential golf community. “The past three years have revealed a massive need within our industry to be nimble and strategic with investments,” states Anthony Dilweg, “But that, of course, has been our mindset from day one.”