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Kama Capital Secures SCA Category 1 License

GlobeNewswireJanuary 31, 20257 min

The Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) of the United Arab Emirates has awarded Kama Capital the prestigious Category 1 licence. This achievement positions Kama Capital as a key player in the trading industry, providing it with the regulatory framework to expand its presence, scale its operations, and fulfill its mission to create advanced, high-tech, AI-driven online trading solutions.

What the SCA License Means for Us
This isn’t merely a licence—it’s a gateway to opportunity. Here’s how it empowers Kama Capital to advance its business to the next level level:

1.     Expanded Services and Product Offering
The SCA Category 1 licence allows Kama Capital to offer a broader range of financial services, including direct market access for clients and advanced trading tools. This means we can cater to institutional investors, liquidity providers, and professional traders in the region with solutions tailored to their needs — all underpinned by robust regulation oversight.

2.    Enhanced Trust and Credibility
Being licensed by the SCA, one of the most respected regulators in the region, reinforces Kama Capital’s commitment to transparency, security, and compliance. Clients seek assurance that their trading partner operates within strict legal frameworks, and this licence provides precisely that. For technology-driven firms like ours, this trust forms the foundation for our bold innovation.

3.    A Foundation for Technological Growth
Regulation isn’t a barrier for us — it’s an enabler. The SCA provides clear, tech-forward guidelines for fintech companies to innovate responsibly. With this licence, Kama Capital can scale its AI-driven trading platform while ensuring that all technology and data management practices meet regulatory expectations. The balance between innovation and oversight enables us to develop faster, smarter trading tools for our clients.

Why Dubai Is the Perfect HQ for Kama Capital
Establishing our headquarters in Dubai was a deliberate choice. The city is not only an economic hub but a global centre for entrepreneurship and technology. Here’s why it matters:

1.     A Fintech-Friendly Ecosystem
Dubai has established itself as the region’s leader in financial technology. From its thriving startup scene to government-backed accelerators, the city actively supports innovation. This infrastructure allows Kama Capital to stay at the cutting edge of trading technology while benefiting from proximity to like-minded tech innovators.

2.    Access to World-Class Talent
The UAE attracts some of the brightest minds in finance and technology. By based in Dubai, we have access to a diverse talent pool with expertise in AI, machine learning, and algorithmic trading. This talent is the engine behind our next-generation trading solutions.

3.    A Visionary Regulatory Environment
The SCA and other UAE regulatory bodies are not just gatekeepers but partners in fostering innovation. Their frameworks enable companies like Kama Capital to operate confidently, knowing that technological advancements and client protection go hand in hand.

Quotes from Leadership

Razan Assaf, Deputy CEO of Kama Capital: “Securing the SCA Category 1 license for Kama Capital Securites Broker LLC is a major milestone for Kama Capital Group’s expansion. It allows us to broaden our presence in the UAE and across the GCC, giving traders access to a highly regulated, technology-first brokerage that prioritizes performance and security. The UAE continues to set the gold standard for financial innovation, and we are proud to be part of this ecosystem, driving forward the next generation of trading.” Mohammed Omayer, Head of Compliance at Kama Capital: “Regulatory integrity is at the core of everything we do. The SCA Category 1 license confirms that Kama Capital operates under the most rigorous financial, compliance, and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) standards. As trading technology evolves, so do the risks associated with financial crime, and we remain committed to ensuring that every aspect of our operations meets and exceeds global regulatory expectations. This license strengthens our ability to enforce strict AML policies, investor protection measures, and financial security protocols, ensuring a safe and transparent trading environment for all our clients.”



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