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B2Broker invests $5M in B2Trader – The Next-Gen Brokerage Platform


The crypto market is on an exciting growth journey, with Bitcoin hitting all-time highs and the total crypto market cap exceeding $2.37T. This coincides with the introduction of MiCA regulation, effective June 30, 2024, and followed by another wave on December 30, 2024, aiming to increase credibility and transparency, fostering wider crypto adoption.

With over 20,000 coins and tokens and a user base of over 300 million traders, compared to the FX market’s 128 currency pairs and estimated 50 million traders, crypto is emerging as a more appealing trading option. Its expansion is fueled by its broad adaptation across finance, fintech, payments, and other sectors. Introducing innovative business models through technologies like L2 solutions and blockchain protocols.

To meet the booming crypto trading demand, brokerages are actively seeking solutions to enter the market. And in response, B2Broker announces the release of the B2Trader Brokerage Platform (BBP), a crypto spot broker solution designed to help businesses tap into this growing trend and start generating revenue faster than ever!

Who Can Benefit from B2Trader?

B2Trader is a powerful solution for crypto brokers (CFD and Derivatives), OTC brokers, FOREX brokers, multi-asset and multi-market brokers, market makers, liquidity providers, payment systems, and even banks to follow the market trends and enter the fastest-growing industry.

Here’s how each business model is able to utilise BBP:

FOREX Brokers

B2Trader can be an excellent addition to any FX broker. Along with the traditional trading platforms (MT4, MT5, cTrader, etc.) that mainly handle assets like FX, crypto, equity indices, and precious metals for margin trading or in the form of CFDs, you can add B2Trader to offer crypto spot trading exclusively, attract a new segment of crypto traders interested in physical delivery or ownership, and generate revenue through commissions, markups, and effective risk management.

Additionally, BBP offers a solution for regulated FX brokers to separate their digital asset trading under a different license, promoting strategic diversification and maintaining a competitive advantage in today’s market.

Crypto Brokers

Brokers focusing on crypto CFDs, using crypto as collateral, and offering a mix of FX and crypto CFDs can use B2Trader to enhance existing solutions with crypto spot trading.

Given the competitive nature of client retention and acquisition, the absence of crypto spot trading options could lead clients to seek services elsewhere. Thus, integrating B2Trader is a strategic advantage for brokerages, allowing them to adapt to market trends swiftly, offer much-demanded crypto spot trading, and meet client expectations.

Market Makers

Market makers can use B2Trader to access multiple exchanges, consolidate liquidity efficiently, achieve competitive spreads, optimise pricing, and enable smart routing execution across different venues.

Liquidity Providers

Adding cryptocurrencies to your asset offerings greatly boosts your appeal to brokers, hedge funds and professional traders. B2Trader streamlines this process, equipping you with the essential tools to expand your market reach and accelerate your earnings.

EMIs, Payment Systems, and Banks

For EMIs, PSPs, and banks, B2Trader provides a strategic edge by enabling diverse asset management, monitoring, and liquidity pool creation. It allows these entities to add crypto services to their existing operations, net all transactions, offer crypto accounts, and enable instant swaps.

BBP opens unlimited opportunities as your gateway to crypto and its booming trends. With its comprehensive API and a complete set of essential components and modules, B2Trader seamlessly integrates into any business model.

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