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Bluevine Introduces New Banking Solution Designed for Accountants

Leading small business-focused fintech offers new solution for accountants and bookkeepers, providing secure and streamlined access to enable better service to their clients
PRNewswireJuly 13, 20225 min

Bluevine, the leading provider of holistic banking solutions designed for small businesses, today announced the launch of its first set of business banking features designed specifically to help accounting professionals more easily serve their small business customers. With the Accountant Role, small business owners using a Bluevine Business Checking account can easily and securely grant their accountants access to selected account information through a dedicated login. Through the Accountant Dashboard, accountants can access all their clients’ transactions from one place, easily download bank statements, reconcile transactions and bills, and view all relevant contextual information, saving time and providing superior client service.

Long committed to serving the needs of small businesses, Bluevine aims to ensure success across all parts of the small business ecosystem. Accountants are trusted partners for small business owners with a critical role in ensuring the financial health and growth of small businesses. Yet, many spend significant time and effort tracking down the financial information they need to help their clients, often relying on each client’s online banking account information to access data. This creates an experience rife with friction and security concerns. Designed to improve efficiency and client services for accountants and bookkeepers, a secure login to the Accountant Dashboard generates single-pane view access to all client dashboards and offers easy toggling between clients for all relevant banking information and bulk statement downloads.

“We believe partnership with small businesses also means building for accountants and bookkeepers – many of whom are business owners themselves – and the work they do to help small businesses thrive,” said Pete Potsos, CPA, Senior Director of Accountant Partnerships at Bluevine. “Bluevine’s services offer a more efficient, reliable, and secure option for accountants, and we are committed to building tools to remedy accountants’ pain points.”

Controlled access and purpose-built tools for accountants that serve Bluevine customers is the latest example of how Bluevine aligns its innovation with the evolving needs of small businesses. Earlier this year, the company unveiled new account features, including Account Access, Bills Management, and QuickBooks integration. Plus, Bluevine Business Checking lets customers earn 1.5% interest if they meet a monthly goal, offering rewards that reflect how small businesses use banking solutions and maximize the impact Bluevine has on business growth.

“Accounting teams face challenges in getting the information they need quickly and easily to provide great service for their clients,” said Julie Lepper, Co-founder at Lepper & Company. “In addition to providing easy access to this information, Bluevine tailored the accounting experience on its platform to help accountants bring more operational efficiency to their own workflows and businesses.”

Starting today, Bluevine Business Checking account holders can grant accountants access to their Bluevine account information by adding their accountants as an accountant user to their Bluevine account. To learn more about Bluevine’s services for small businesses and their partners, please visit www.bluevine.com/accountants-and-bookkeepers.

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