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CellPoint Digital Appoints Mark Patrick as Chief Revenue Officer

Mark Patrick leverages over 25 years' expertise across global fintech firms to drive CellPoint Digital's expansion in air, travel and hospitality sectors
PRNewswireSeptember 12, 20247 min

CellPoint Digital, a global pioneer in Payment Orchestration, announced Mark Patrick as the new Chief Revenue Officer to lead CellPoint Digital’s growth and expansion in travel and hospitality as demand for Payment Orchestration solutions surges in these industries. Mark will be replacing Greg Worch, who recently retired.

Based in the United States, Mark will be responsible for driving revenue growth with focus on the commercial aviation, hospitality and overall travel industry. He will report to Kristian Gjerding, the CEO of CellPoint Digital.

Mark’s growth mandate is driven by the increased demand for Payment Orchestration solutions in CellPoint Digital’s target industries. The global Payment Orchestration Platform market was valued at $1.1 billion in 2022 and it is anticipated to grow up to $10.1 billion by 2032, at a CAGR of 24.5% during the forecast period, according to McKinsey & Well Company market research. As more companies turn to Payment Orchestration to mitigate payment fragmentation and facilitate scalable growth (Bain & Company), they need a partner with expertise in Payment Orchestration and industry-specific experience in deploying these solutions. CellPoint Digital is ideally positioned to deliver on both.

Having held the role of Global Head of Payments at CellPoint Digital since 2019, Mark brings an in-depth understanding of the business. He joined CellPoint Digital from Intrapay, a fintech startup providing international cross-border payment services to clients in Europe and Asia Pacific, where he was Chief Operating Officer. Prior to that, he was Chief Executive Officer at GoSwiff (now PaySwiff), a mobile commerce firm headquartered in Singapore with global operations. Before GoSwiff, Mark was the GM and Regional Head of Ingenico (formerly Global Collect) ePayments business in the Asia Pacific region.

Kristian Gjerding, CEO at CellPoint Digital says: “We are pleased to see Mark Patrick take up a new role within CellPoint Digital. As Chief Revenue Officer, Mark oversees CellPoint Digital’s revenue strategy and global business development teams as well as the development of a new account management function. This comes amidst growing demand from businesses seeking to streamline their digital payment capabilities while countering the major challenges they face with existing providers to deliver a seamless service.”

Mark Patrick adds: “It has been a career highlight to be a part of CellPoint Digital’s growth story and to stand at the forefront of optimising customers’ path to purchase across digital channels. This business-critical issue will only grow in importance as consumers increasingly opt for alternative payment methods and demand friction-free payment experiences. As we continue to scale, this requires a new, digital-first approach to revenue generation and account management to ensure client satisfaction.”

Advancing Payment Orchestration across Key Regions

CellPoint Digital’s rapid growth and increasing market demand have necessitated a strategic expansion of their revenue team, with new hires across revenue and account management in key regions such as EuropeLatin America, and Asia-Pacific. This expansion is a direct response to the surging interest in Payment Orchestration across diverse industries and global markets.

Central to CellPoint’s revenue strategy is showcasing the transformative benefits of Payment Orchestration to enterprises worldwide. CellPoint is committed to meeting the evolving needs of a growing client base. Payment Orchestration, a concept that encompasses the end-to-end management of all payment activities—from authorisation and routing to settlement and reporting—has proven invaluable for companies seeking to boost conversions in both direct and indirect sales channels while reducing transaction costs.

The platform’s versatility and efficiency have driven strong demand, fueling CellPoint’s expansion and reinforcing their position as industry leaders in the rapidly evolving payment technology landscape.

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