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Clarizen Tops G2’s Rankings for Best Project and Portfolio Management Software

Users Award Clarizen with Honors for Best Product and Best Customer Support
PRNewswireFebruary 2, 20208 min

Clarizen, the global leader in enterprise collaborative work management, today announced it has earned the lead position in G2’s Project and Portfolio Management Grid and Relationship Index for Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) Winter Grid reports. Both reports are based on reviews users submit about their experiences with dozens of PPM vendors’ products and customer support services. fintech news

G2 is the world’s largest B2B technology marketplace and features user reviews of thousands of software products and professional services. G2 analyzes these reviews, as well as data aggregated from online sources and social networks to determine vendor placement on its proprietary PPM grid.

Clarizen One earned Clarizen the coveted position as the top vendor in the Leaders quadrant. Many users cited the flexible, intuitive user interface that provides all stakeholders with easy access to a single source of information in their anonymous reviews, including the following testimonials:

  • “Clarizen is a very effective tool for project management. Instead of having endless meetings with different teams for executing a project, we just have one meeting where an overall briefing is given to everyone. Whether it is Creative, Development, Email marketing or Content teams, they all know what’s the deadline for their particular task. Due to the necessity of SLA compliance, there is a sense of ownership among multiple teams and this helps in the timely and successful execution of the project.”
  • “[Clarizen One is a] very customizable platform that allows you to adapt it to existing business processes and not the other way around. Updates are introduced often enough that small bugs get worked out quickly and new, and most importantly relevant, features get introduced to make better use of the platform.”
  • “Being able to review my future resource load and then adjust projects as needed is very helpful. I enjoy being able to link tasks to easily update the rest of the project when a delay occurs. Saving time is key. I like to be able to plan in advance and see what items are outstanding.”

G2 also asked users several questions related to their interactions with vendors’ customer support teams. This feedback informs the calculation of a company’s Relationship Score that determines its rank on the Project and Portfolio Management Relationship Index. banking News

The Clarizen Customer Support team, which has achieved at least a 98.01% Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) for 14 consecutive quarters – a factor of four better than the industry benchmark – earned the highest Relationship score based on reviewers’ feedback such as:

  • “The Clarizen team is a pleasure to work with. I especially appreciate the free bi-weekly webinars, which offer administrators an open platform to share their questions where a Clarizen expert assists and walk you through solutions and/or recommendations. Their phone app is a great addition and works great when you are on the go.”
  • “Great support team and events to keep up with Partner requirements. (Clarizen is) always looking to improve the product and add new features based on client feedback.”
  • “The service provided by the Customer success manager is the most important part of our Clarizen experience, we have a lot of change requests during the year as it’s our enterprise tool for timesheeting, approval of timesheets, reporting of timesheet data, and financial and resource planning.”

“Congratulations to Clarizen One for earning the top spot in G2’s Winter 2020 Grid report for Project and Portfolio Management. It received this distinction based on having the largest market presence and highest level of customer satisfaction in the category,” said Kara Kennedy, Market Research Director, G2. “Over 350 of Clarizen One’s customers have shared their opinions, with 87 percent rating the product 4 or 5 stars.”

“Receiving both the highest product and customer support satisfaction ratings among so many vendors are testaments to our entire team’s hard work and dedication to helping our customers become more agile,” said Clarizen CEO Boaz Chalamish. “I want to thank our customers for sharing their feedback with G2, and we look forward to delivering new product features and services that will help them streamline, automate and gain new value across their entire work lifecycle, from strategic initiatives to team execution.”


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