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Crystal Intelligence Strengthens U.S. Ops with New Leadership Hires

Crystal aims to deliver tailored solutions that address the challenges faced by U.S. organizations in the digital asset space with veteran crypto hires
BusinessWireSeptember 19, 20244 min

Crystal Intelligence, a leader in digital asset compliance and risk management, is expanding its U.S. operations to meet the growing demand for sophisticated compliance and investigative solutions. To spearhead this growth, the company is pleased to announce the appointment of Dominic Schaffer as Vice President of Growth for the U.S. and Nick Steegmans as Vice President of Training and Investigations for North America.

“Crystal is a global company with technology and services that can meet the needs of any crypto organization across any jurisdiction. Given our success in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, strengthening our position in North America is a top priority. By bringing on board such high-caliber experts, we are confident in our ability to deliver the best forensic and compliance services in the region,” said Navin Gupta, CEO of Crystal Intelligence.

Dominic Schaffer brings over 20 years of experience in B2B sales, focusing on web3/crypto, financial services, fintech, and technology services. Before joining Crystal Intelligence, Dominic held senior roles at companies including Provenir, Yodlee, Salesforce, and IBM. He has led go-to-market strategies delivering high-value solutions globally. He is a graduate of the United States Military Academy and previously served as an officer in the U.S. Army.

Nick Steegmans, with over five years of experience in crypto forensics, is a leading expert in the field. He has contributed to numerous civil and criminal investigations, working with global agencies to support their work. Nick is also committed to education, having led training for investigators, bankers, and regulators, helping professionals understand the intersection of traditional finance, digital currencies and illicit activity.

Commenting on the expansion, Dominic said, “The United States remains at the forefront of cryptocurrency and Web3 innovation despite ongoing regulatory challenges. With a strong base of Web3 companies, a deep talent pool, and a thriving investment ecosystem, the market will continue to advance as regulations evolve. Crystal is excited to work closely with U.S. and Canadian organizations, empowering them to secure the Web3 ecosystem.”

The investment into Crystal’s operations in the region reflects our ongoing commitment to building strong client partnerships throughout North America and internationally. Crystal currently services government regulators, crypto institutions, and law enforcement agencies on a global scale.

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