Zylpha, a leader in techno-innovation has come up with an integrated solution of the electronic mortgage deed service by HM Land Registry and LexisNexis Visual Files, the first of its kind. This integration allows the users of Visualfiles case management to get access to the facilities of the electronic signatures of the government while working within the system of Visualfiles.
The development of this integration would mean the elimination of the risk of losing hard copy documents or a delay in posting of the same, as it allows users to send the completed deeds, storing, signing and returning them simply and at a greater speed. Fintech News
This new product couples pleasingly with the Land Registry Integration of Zylpha. Zylpha also has other products like secure communication, e-Signature and AML (Anti Money Laundering) which together form a modern set of tools that will come in handy for the conveyancers of the modern world who are ambitious in delivering effective services to their customers.
The world is already in the process of shifting from manual to electronic. Doing the same will make things easier for the lawyers as well their clients. Signing of the mortgage deed electronically with the help of Visualfiles will uncomplicate the process for both the parties. They won’t have to worry about delay in the process, loss of documents or any kind of damage to them, states the CEO of Zylpha, Tim Long. The products of the company have always seen the face of success in the market because they automate the processes for lawyers and make their lives easier. Zylpha is expecting a powerful demand for the product as it is already seeing quite a number of orders from customers resultant of its pre-launch marketing activity.
Another new product to make processes simpler in the fintech world shows sign of consistent growth. To know about new products, partnerships and any kind of news from the fintech industry, follow Fintechbuzz.com