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EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants Expands North California Leadership

The appointments will enhance the firm’s expertise in the construction, real estate, manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, food and beverage, and transportation and logistics industries
BusinessWireOctober 8, 20245 min

EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants (“EPIC”) has continued its strategic growth in the Northern California region leading to the appointment of key leadership members, further streamlining and enhancing access to specialized resources for clients. This strategic alignment continues to expand and strengthen EPIC’s presence, offering a fully diversified suite of services for all types of clients. Northern California boasts a number of EPIC’s specialties including construction, real estate, transportation and logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, food and beverage, and agriculture.

The Northern California region will be led by William (Bill) Ferree as Regional President and Matt Sitzmann as Chief Operating Officer. Both will work closely with Robyn Pawlo who will assume the role of Executive Managing Principal, Employee Benefits and Curt Perata and Brian Quinn have been named as Vice Chairmen in the region.

Ferree will continue in his current role as Co-Lead of EPIC’s Pacific Central territory and will take on an expanded role as Regional President, EPIC’s Northern California region. Ferree started his career in retail commercial insurance production in 1997, joining EPIC following the acquisition of Integro USA in 2019.

Sitzmann is the Managing Principal for EPIC’s Lafayette California office and will add the role of Chief Operating Officer for the new region. Sitzmann joined EPIC as a Managing Principal in October of 2022 through EPIC’s acquisition of SLCO LLC., a Contra Costa County-based provider of Employee Benefits, Property & Casualty, and Personal Lines solutions.

Pawlo is Executive Managing Principal, Employee Benefits, and will continue her critical role in the new region. Pawlo joined EPIC through the acquisition of Jenkins Insurance Services in July 2014. Her background includes the full spectrum of benefits planning, construction, implementation, communication, and administration, with added expertise in alternative funding, worksite benefits, absence/leave management, and wellness.

Perata and Quinn take on expanded roles as Vice Chairmen of EPIC’s Northern California region. Perata joined the firm as part of EPIC’s purchase of Jenkins Insurance Services from the Leavitt Group in July 2014, with a background in commercial property & casualty business, sales, and management. Quinn, specializing in construction and food and agriculture-related businesses, joined the firm in 2007 from AJ Gallagher & Co., and was part of the original group that formed EPIC’s first headquarters in California.

“We are extremely excited to expand our senior leadership team while continuing our focus on specialization,” stated EPIC’s President, Tom O’Neil. “The formation of this curated team of experienced and exceptional leadership in Northern California further emphasizes our dedication to build for the future and enhance client outcomes.”

Founded in 2007 in San Ramon, EPIC’s growth has positioned the company as a fast-growing firm that continues to attract top-tier talent and firms nationally. Over the past five years, EPIC has grown from a $300 million company to over $1 billion. The Northern California team will enhance the deep specialties already in the region including risk solutions for wineries, agriculture and business owners.

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