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Epson Booth to Feature Partners with latest POS Solutions at Money20/20

FTB News DeskOctober 15, 20188 min

Who:  Epson will be featuring six key partners who will be showcasing a variety of POS solutions at Money20/20, a trade show whose mission is to create a simpler, fairer, faster and more inclusive financial system for individuals, businesses, and society as a whole.  Money20/20 is where the payments, FinTech and financial services ecosystem unites to create and explore the disruptive ways in which consumers and businesses manage, spend and borrow money.

What: Epson Showcase Highlights—Booth #943 

Custom Business Solutions/Northstar— Provides a suite of products that help hospitality professionals operate their businesses more effectively and increase their profits. They will be showing how their restaurant management software leverages Epson’s OmniLink® TM-T88VI receipt printer to allow restaurant operators and their guests to enhance the dining experience.

Electronic Payments—Provider of Exatouch POS software, which streamlines business operations and management with robust feature sets and integrated modules, such as inventory and purchasing, staff and customer management, scheduling and appointment setting, reporting and more. They will show how integration with the Epson TM-m30 receipt printer provides high-volume retail shops, restaurants and QSRs with a reliable solution to quickly print customer and merchant-facing receipts, gift card balances, report summaries, and more.

Guest Innovations—Provider of the Rezku POS system, which integrates a secure payment processing technology with EMV and PCI compliance and integrates with almost every payment processor allowing restaurateurs to be in control of their processing costs. They will be demonstrating how their solution leverages Epson’s TM-m30 receipt printer to facilitate tableside ordering and payment processing to help restaurants operate more efficiently.

Tapin2—A software platform that enables mobile ordering and self-service ordering for hospitality and live events, will be showing how its ordering solutions such as self-serve kiosks, portable ordering solutions for wait staff, and consumer mobile ordering, enable increased revenue opportunities and create more efficient workflows. Leveraging  Epson’s OmniLink TM-T88VI-i receipt printer, Tapin2 has worked with clients to increase overall order volume and streamline fulfillment operations to increase profitability .

Vend —Provider of a cloud-based POS, multi-outlet retail and inventory management platform that enables over 20,000 retailers across 140 countries to sell, measure, manage and grow, will be demonstrating how it leverages the Epson TM-m30 receipt printer’s advanced functionality to help merchants create more personal customer experiences, make better business decisions and significantly reduce admin time.

Zapper—Provider of a mobile marketing and payment platform that provides merchants with the ability to easily accept mobile payments, understand their customers’ purchasing behavior and introduce digital rewards and loyalty programs to grow and improve their business, will be showing how their solution leverages Epson’s OmniLink TM-T88VI receipt printer to bring an integrated customer loyalty and mobile payment solution to restaurants and their customers.

Where: Money 20/20 takes place October 21-24, 2018. The Venetian | The Palazzo, Las Vegas, NV.

About Epson

Epson is a global technology leader dedicated to connecting people, things and information with its original efficient, compact and precision technologies. With a lineup that ranges from inkjet printers and digital printing systems to 3LCD projectors, watches and industrial robots, the company is focused on driving innovations and exceeding customer expectations in inkjet, visual communications, wearables and robotics.

Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the Epson Group comprises more than 76,000 employees in 87 companies around the world, and is proud of its contributions to the communities in which it operates and its ongoing efforts to reduce environmental impacts.

Founded in 1975 and headquartered in Long Beach, CAEpson America, Inc. is the U.S. affiliate of Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, a global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality technology products that meet customer demands for increased functionality, compactness, systems integration and energy efficiency. For over 40 years, Epson’s advanced technology has been at work in millions of POS systems around the world. Today Epson’s Business Systems Division continues to bring industry-leading, open architecture, smart technologies to the point of service. You may also connect with Epson America on Facebook (, Twitter (, and YouTube (

EPSON is a registered trademark and EPSON Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark of Seiko Epson Corporation. OmniLink is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. All other trademarks and/or registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.

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