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eToroX Develops Code to Tokenize Assets on Libra Blockchain

PRNewswireJune 21, 20199 min

Facebook’s Libra project marks a seismic moment for global finance. As the dust begins to settle after Tuesday’s announcement, both the crypto and traditional finance industry are busy grappling with the challenges and opportunities presented by Libra.

eToroX Labs Blockchain Science team, comprising Chief Blockchain Scientist Dr. Omri Ross, Peter Emil Jensen, and Johannes Rude Jensen, was quick off the mark to investigate how eToro’s tokenized assets (and the technology behind them) would work on Libra’s initial prototype, and how well it suited the existing specification.

Dr. Omri Ross, eToro’s Chief Blockchain Scientist, comments: “The prototype of the Libra blockchain – the testnet – launched on Tuesday and is in beta mode until the launch in H1 2020. We were excited to explore a test implementation of eToro’s tokenized assets on Libra in Move IR.”

By exploring Libra’s capabilities, and using Move IR (the intermediate representation of what will eventually be the final programming language), they successfully managed to implement an initial version of eToros tokenized assets on the Libra Network.

Using a previous specification targeting the Ethereum blockchain, the team wrote and executed a basic implementation for creating digital assets (tokenization capabilities) on Libra.

Top two takeaways:

  1. In Move, resources (data structure types) cannot be moved or copied — an extremely constructive and beneficial capability, especially for digital assets, since it prevents accidental duplication and loss.
  2. Contrary to other blockchain languages, Move does not allow publishing data on behalf of other users. Because of this, it requires users to acknowledge this beforehand, thereby giving users full control of which data is associated with them.

“We applaud the early initiatives of the Libra team in designing Move IR, and are excited to follow the development in the near future. The combination of the many qualities associated with the Rust programming language and the HotStuff consensus algorithm is a promising direction in a rapidly maturing industry,” concludes Dr. Omri Ross.

Created in 2019, eToroX Labs is a hugely talented team at the forefront of blockchain exploration and innovation. Led by Professor Omri Ross, eToro’s Chief Blockchain Scientist, it acts as an internal innovation unit within eToro tasked with the research and development of infrastructure for the representation of assets and the execution of trade processes on blockchain infrastructure.

Read the full report of eToroX’s Libra implementation on Github.

Notes to editors:
About eToro
eToro was founded in 2007 with the vision of opening up the global markets so that everyone can trade and invest in a simple and transparent way. The eToro Group consists of the eToro platform, our multi-asset trading and investment venue, and eToroX, which manages our crypto wallet and exchange.

The eToro platform enables people to invest in the assets they want, from stocks and commodities to cryptoassets. We are a global community of more than ten million registered users who share their investment strategies; and anyone can follow the approaches of those who have been the most successful. Due to the simplicity of the platform users can easily buy, hold and sell assets, monitor their portfolio in real time, and transact whenever they want.

As technology has evolved, so has our business. In 2018, we created eToroX, our tokenized asset subsidiary. eToroX provides the infrastructure, in the form of a crypto wallet and the forthcoming exchange, that supports our commitment to facilitating the evolution of tokenized assets. We believe that leveraging blockchain technology will enable us to become the first truly global service provider allowing everyone to trade, invest and save.

About eToroX
eToroX is a subsidiary of the eToro Group. The business was formed in 2018 to provide the infrastructure to support eToro Group’s commitment to facilitating the evolution of tokenized assets. It provides eToro’s newly launched wallet and runs the exchange.

The distributed ledger technology (DLT) provider licence was granted by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission to eToroX in December 2018 (licence number FSC1333B). eToroX is incorporated in Gibraltar with company number 116348 and its registered office is at 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar.

About eToroX Labs
Created in 2019, eToroX Labs is a hugely talented team at the forefront of blockchain exploration and innovation. Led by Professor Omri Ross, eToro’s Chief Blockchain Scientist, it acts as an internal innovation unit tasked with the research and development of infrastructure for the representation of assets and the execution of trade processes on blockchain infrastructure.

eToro is regulated in Europe by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK.

eToroX is incorporated in Gibraltar with company number 116348 and its registered office is at 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar. It’s distributed ledger technology (DLT) provider licence was granted by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission in December 2018 (licence number FSC1333B).

Logo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/520426/eToro_Logo.jpg

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