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Fintech Interview with Larry Talley, Founder & CEO of Everyware

Larry Talley, Founder & CEO of Everyware gives a sneak peek into the recent developments at the company along with the most exciting trends in FinTech right now.
FTB News DeskAugust 12, 202222 min

Larry Talley, Founder & CEO of Everyware gives a sneak peek into the recent developments at the company along with the most exciting trends in FinTech right now.

Larry Talley,Founder & CEO, Everyware

Larry Talley is the Founder & CEO of Everyware, a leading contactless payments and communications solutions company. Everyware helps its clients from a wide variety of industries to more easily collect payments and engage with customers, especially through text messaging, the ultimate contactless technology. The company helps clients to boost revenue, reduce chargebacks and refunds, as well as improve customer service. There is no other highly secure, mobile communication and payment platform on the market that combines these tools to meet the demand. It is the most straightforward, simple and scalable Pay by Text platform that has the capability to work alongside existing systems with easy integration for.

1. Can you give us a brief of your career before Everyware?
My career path started about 20 years ago while serving in the military developing software that streamlined communication for Aircraft carriers in the U.S. Navy. At 28 I started my first company, Brand Tango, that would go on for 14 years developing software to streamline sales & marketing for some of the largest hotel brands in the world. It was through my experience helping resorts and hotels become more efficient that the idea of Everyware was born and using cell phone numbers for not only communicating but as a Payment Method could work everywhere.

2. Could you tell us more about Everyware and what was the inspiration behind starting this company?
My expertise, specifically in the hospitality and travel space, provided me with extensive insight into the shortcomings in payment and communication technology. I saw value in companies collecting payments and communicating via text and two-way messaging, so I set out to build the tech. Everyware was born with the original purpose of simplifying the process of collecting payments while reducing fraud. Fast-forward five years and Everyware is a leading contactless payment and engagement solution extending upon industries ranging from healthcare to nonprofits, hospitality, auto, utilities, and beyond.

3. What makes Everyware unique? How does it stand out from its competitors?
Everyware was the first company to certify the mobile number as a Payment Method with the Card Networks and utilize a Network Token to reduce interchange for Card Not Present transactions, effectively making the transaction card present. Everyware was the first to patent and add new Pay By Text tender key for Point of Sale systems like Clover, where customers could complete the transaction on their own device and replace credit cards from being taken over the phone.
With this solution in hand Everyware quickly grew as a leader in contactless payments and customer engagement, offering simple billing solutions for organizations in a wide variety of industries helping companies collect payments and connect with customers, especially through text messaging, the ultimate contactless technology. The company helps clients to boost revenue, reduce chargebacks and refunds, as well as improve customer service. There is no other highly secure, mobile communication platform and payment gateway on the market that combines these tools to meet the demand. It is the most straightforward, simple and scalable Pay By Text platform that has the capability to work alongside existing systems with easy integration.

4. What are the technology solutions that Everyware offers?
Everyware helps companies collect payments and connect with customers through contactless technology such as texting. Everyware is the best Pay by Text and two-way messaging platform in the U.S. market. It’s easy to get started, scalable across all platforms, and works alongside existing billing software systems with easy integration, empowering and adding value.
Everyware connects seamlessly with existing systems thanks to an open API. Companies can easily add Everyware Pay By Text, two-way messaging, and other features into the platforms they know or keep using their current CRM systems alongside a streamlined texting platform. Also, Everyware’s team of highly experienced developers are available to support customized, enterprise-level integration.
Everyware is PCI DSS Level 1 (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant as well as HIPAA and SOC II certified. Customers don’t need to download an app or memorize any passwords to use Everyware.

5.Could you give a sneak peek into the recent developments at Everyware?
We see network tokenization as the future of payments and we’ve been making great strides in making it a reality and taking it globally.
With our solution, customers are able to use their cell phone number to make a payment. The new payment method is paving the industry’s future by eliminating the need to share private payment card data.
We collaborated with Visa, the world leader in digital payments, and are leveraging Token ID – a Visa Solution, which empowers banks, merchants, regional payments schemes, clearing houses and other payments stakeholders like Everyware to build, manage and control their own tokenization capabilities.

6. You are named the winner of a Bronze Stevie Award in the Entrepreneur of the Year category for Financial Services in the 20th Annual American Business Awards. How do you manage to stay relevant in such a fast-paced industry?
I enjoy keeping up with the latest news and trends in the payments and fintech industry. I’m subscribed to a variety of newsletters and industry publications which allows me to always look ahead at what’s next and what customers expect.
I’ve also become connected with many like-minded entrepreneurs and industry leaders over the years and that helps me to have a pulse on what they’re thinking and doing. I’m always on the road attending conferences like MX Summit and Money 20/20.

7. Tell us a bit about your culture. What makes Everyware’s culture unique?
Our culture is built in Austin, Texas the city not only known for Tito’s (my favorite vodka) but also known for being diverse, weird, friendly, creative, and now the Silicon Hills for all of the amazing tech companies. All this diversity plays into the culture at Everyware with a “work hard, play harder” mentality all while supporting a work life balance mentality.
Our team of 48 consists of 50% woman along with a diverse mix of seasoned executives who each bring their own skillset, background, and innovative thinking to the table every day. Everyware fosters an atmosphere where team members care for one another and feel comfortable coming up with new ideas and sharing them – there’s no such thing as a bad idea. From weekly team events, free lunch and snacks to birthday celebrations and holiday gatherings where loved ones are invited, our company culture is ingrained in our everyday work environment.

Leadership always strives to serve as mentors for the team, transferring knowledge and helping one another grow.

As a Navy veteran-owned company, I strongly believe it’s important to create opportunities for those who may not otherwise have a chance to thrive and anyone with the desire and passion is always welcome to join the team.

8. In your opinion, what are the most exciting trends in FinTech right now?
The pandemic accelerated technology, with walking into a bank or using cash becoming a thing of the past. The digital transformation has begun and with Open Banking and Embedded Finance, it’s a window into the near future where data is now being shared across platforms. Software companies are now the new Payment Processors along with Digital Wallets where money moves in seconds not days – it will continue to advance in the coming years.

9. What are Everyware’s plans for expansion and growth? Where do you see it in the coming years?
Our name says it all – we are Everyware and we plan to be everywhere!
Our team of seasoned B2B and B2C strategy executives, brand thought leaders, software engineers, entrepreneurs, and project managers has grown a lot. Many of us still operate remotely across different states. Everyware today has over 2000+ customers with over $500 million in transactional volume.
Everyware is reaching its tipping point! We’re going to be a billion-dollar company within the next couple of years. We were built for this very moment in time. The pandemic has accelerated the company’s growth as businesses from different industries are seeing the necessity of digital, contactless communication and payment like never before. We are taking on new integration deals every week and soon, you’ll see Everyware Pay By Text and two-way messaging features available in web app stores and API marketplaces
everywhere. This is my vision and I’m passionate about it. I know what we offer is helping a lot of people. We’re working hard to bring Everyware to everyone as fast as possible.

10. What is the biggest piece of advice you would want to give to company leaders?
I always like to use three words when it comes to giving advice. Those are:
Passion: Nothing will drive you more than being passionate about what you’re doing.
Purpose: For me, there is something gratifying about knowing what I want to do and knowing that it will help others.
Love: You have to love your job and love what you do because you’re doing it for more than just yourself.

11. Where do your passions lie? What do you think defines you as a person?
I believe in constant personal and professional growth. I encourage my team to always think big. Everyware is a direct reflection of that, with the goal for the company to one day be everywhere. When you aren’t finding me in front of a computer or networking at an event, you’ll see me on the best dirt bike tracks of the nation riding Motocross.

12. Which motivational quote drives you to achieve more at work?
My favorite quote is: “Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.” It may sound a little silly, but when you’re an entrepreneur that’s a buzz phrase you think about every day.
Another couple of quotes that I love are: “Dreams don’t work unless you do.” as well as “Change your thoughts and you’ll change your world.”

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