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FuturesAI launches Next-Gen Derivatives Trading Platform

FuturesAI breaks new ground with its Web3-powered derivatives trading platform, ushering in a borderless era for digital asset trading.
GlobeNewswireApril 9, 20246 min

The future of crypto futures trading has arrived with the launch of FuturesAI, a cutting-edge platform that leverages proprietary AI technology to empower traders globally. With its innovative approach to futures trading, FuturesAI eliminates barriers, enabling users to trade freely and profitably without the need for cumbersome KYC procedures.

FuturesAI’s proprietary AI-powered order engine represents a paradigm shift in the world of futures trading. This groundbreaking technology ensures instant execution of futures trades across multiple platforms, currently available on Telegram and soon expanding to Desktop and Discord. By harnessing the power of AI, FuturesAI ensures optimal trade execution, giving traders a competitive edge in the market.

One of the most exciting developments on the horizon for FuturesAI is its upcoming Partner & Referral program. This program will empower users to share the benefits of FuturesAI with their friends and followers while earning a portion of their referral’s trading fees. This innovative initiative not only incentivizes user growth but also fosters a strong and engaged community of traders.

Currently operating on ETH, FuturesAI will soon expand its offerings to include ETH-tokens for futures contracts, alongside withdrawals and deposits in ETH. Furthermore, plans are underway to incorporate Base, SOL, and AVAX within the coming weeks, providing traders with a diverse range of options to explore.

What sets FuturesAI apart is its commitment to empowering traders as stakeholders in the platform’s success. By holding $FAI tokens, traders gain governance rights and a share in the platform’s revenue, creating a collaborative ecosystem where everyone has a stake in the outcome.

Empowering Trading with FuturesAI: Unlocking Limitless Potential

FuturesAI introduces a suite of features aimed at revolutionizing the way traders interact with the futures market. With a focus on accessibility, efficiency, and profitability, FuturesAI leverages cutting-edge technology to empower traders worldwide.

FuturesAI key features include leverage liquidity, powered by community backing, ensuring that liquidity is never a barrier to trading strategies. The platform’s proprietary AI-powered order engine dynamically matches orders and optimizes trading in real-time, giving traders a competitive advantage. Additionally, FuturesAI operates on a stakeholder revenue-sharing model, allowing traders to share in the platform’s success transparently.

In addition to its innovative technology, FuturesAI offers a range of trading utilities and features designed to enhance the trading experience. From lightning-fast trades to granular risk management tools, FuturesAI equips traders with everything they need to succeed in the dynamic world of crypto futures.

As for the trading utilities and features, FuturesAI provides:

  • Telegram Bot: A cutting-edge Telegram bot that offers a seamless user experience, enabling traders from all corners of the world to engage in crypto derivatives trading.
  • Web dApp: The world’s first meme derivatives trading dApp, specifically designed for web browsers on any screen size, ensuring accessibility and convenience for traders, whether they’re using mobile devices or desktop computers.
  • Discord Bot: Revolutionary technology that empowers Discord users to trade futures and derivatives directly within the platform, enhancing accessibility and convenience for traders who prefer to engage via Discord communities.

Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a newcomer to the world of crypto futures, FuturesAI provides a platform where traders can thrive and succeed. Join us today at FuturesAI and unlock the future of crypto futures trading.

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