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Guidewire Promotes Eight PartnerConnect Solution Partners

Solution partners’ powerful apps and technology for use with Guidewire – and available in the Marketplace – enable P&C insurers to innovate and grow
BusinessWireJune 24, 20228 min

Guidewire Software, Inc. (NYSE: GWRE) today announced that eight Solution partners have been promoted within the PartnerConnect Solution Alliance Program for their contributions serving mutual customers. Guidewire’s solution ecosystem is the largest in the P&C industry, with over 150 solution partners providing over 170 integrations in the Guidewire Marketplace.

PartnerConnect includes four relationship tiers (or levels): Access, Select, Advantage, and Premier. The PartnerConnect tiers are designed to recognize individual partners based on their achievements, and promotions are awarded as partners gain more market traction when their integrated solutions are adopted by Guidewire customers.

Joining current Premier tier partners Enterprise Holdings, Hyland, OpenText, Quadient, Smart Communications, and Verisk are:

  • Hi Marley is an AI-enabled collaboration platform purpose-built for the insurance industry. The platform enables internal and external collaboration across providers who touch the insurance experience alongside a hassle-free texting experience between carriers, providers and policyholders bringing all communication into a single conversation. By delivering a modern, simplified customer engagement approach Hi Marley’s accelerator for Guidewire ClaimCenter increases customer retention while also improving adjuster efficiency and reducing cycle time.
  • One Inc is modernizing the insurance industry through a unified and frictionless payment experience. Focusing only on the insurance industry, One Inc helps insurers transform their operations by reducing costs, increasing security, and optimizing customer experience.

Promoted to the Advantage tier:

  • Shift Technology delivers AI decisioning solutions to benefit the global insurance industry and its customers. The company’s products enable insurers to automate and optimize decisions from underwriting to claims, resulting in superior customer experiences, increased operational efficiency, and reduced costs.

Promoted to the Select tier:

  • ClaimFox fulfills requests for copies of claim files. Insurers receive requests every day for copies of their claim files and count on ClaimFox to manage this entire process on their behalf. eRequest by ClaimFox guarantees that requests and subpoenas are being fulfilled accurately, consistently, and securely, completely relieving the insurer of the resource drag that results from supporting this function on their own.
  • GhostDraft customer communications for Guidewire enables insurers to streamline, digitize, and automate communications. This joint solution makes it easy for insurers to deliver a great customer experience through meaningful and personalized omnichannel communications.
  • InvoiceCloud provides a complete, simple, and secure electronic bill presentment and payment solution. The SaaS platform provides flexible and up-to-date online payment solutions that can be configured to meet the unique needs of any insurance organization. The user-friendly interface engages policyholders throughout the payment process to deliver the highest online payments, paperless, and autopay adoption.
  • Kube is a software application company for the insurance industry and creator of the cutting-edge anti-fraud platform Detector R2. Detector R2 is a fast-growing, end-to-end platform that stops fraud and empowers experts to make the right decisions. Detector R2 allows for greater precision, enabling the insurer to concentrate investigative efforts on the most suspicious and complex claims.
  • Upptec is an insurtech that simplifies contents claims automation by creating a digital and efficient 24/7 user experience. The Upptec add-on for Guidewire ClaimCenter offers a fully automated valuation process that creates a fast and easy experience for both adjusters and policyholders.

“We congratulate our Solution partners on their dedication, commitment, and well-earned promotions,” said Becky Mattick, vice president, Global Solution Alliances, Guidewire. “These industry-leading solution providers deliver innovative products that empower our mutual P&C customers to transform and grow their businesses. We are thrilled to recognize these partners and their offerings in Guidewire’s global Solution partner ecosystem.”

For the full list of Guidewire PartnerConnect Solution partners, click here. To discover what’s next in the Guidewire Marketplace, and keep up with the latest Insurtech ecosystem news, subscribe to the Guidewire Marketplace Newsletter here.

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