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imToken participates in ETHVIETNAM

PRNewswireNovember 29, 20228 min

imToken is glad to sponsor and participate in ETHVIETNAM, which is one of the largest global blockchain events that aims to empower participants to build a blockchain world together, shape the ecosystem and promote growth.

At the conference, imToken gave a keynote speech on “Access to the tokenized world – A wallet for an average person”. From the perspective of a wallet provider with a long-standing commitment to building the ecosystem, imToken shared how they understand the concept of token, envisioned a token-based future, and most importantly, shared its latest exploration of

  • What is the next-generation wallet
  • RIVO: A payment web service based on DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology)

Blockchain, a comprehensive upgrade of the Internet technology

The Internet was born in the 1990s. And in 2009, the blockchain technology was invented, and brought transparency, decentralization and data immutability to the Internet.

Another important innovation of blockchain technology is that it has established a “consensus” mechanism, such as PoW and PoS, for the Internet. And this innovation has not only upgraded the technical aspects of the Internet, but also changed its business model.

Token, an innovative medium in the blockchain network

Token is an innovative medium that helps people interact better with the blockchain network.

Token can be either a form of digital media that incorporates text, images, videos, animations, etc., or a digital message that revolves around our identity, social and credit.

Whether in the real world or the digital world, there are a large number of things that can be transformed into tokens in the blockchain network, through which people can enhance interaction with the network, thus realizing the improvement of the Internet experience – from the “digital world” to the “blockchain world”.

Blockchain will lead the transformation to the Internet of value

There are three forms of innovation in the blockchain world.

  1. Take over the native basic value of the digital world, find more potential value, and better ensure the security of the network.
  2. Map the real world to the digital world.
  3. Bring the digital world into the real world. For example, the personalized “footprint” formed in the digital world can be transformed into “credit” of each person in the real world through technical means.

Such innovation can accelerate the integration of the real world and the digital world, making our real life more efficient and intelligent, and our digital life richer and safer.

Innovation of the blockchain world infrastructure

In the blockchain world, based on decentralization and tamper-proof data, wallets are also innovated. The digital tools that facilitate people to explore the blockchain world usually should meet the following requirements.

  1. Key (private key): It represents our ownership. Blockchain technology can effectively safeguard the security of our digital information and assets, and ensure the free extraction of information. Key plays an important role.
  2. Account: In the blockchain world, a network is a kind of shared resource. An account is a globalized concept. User accounts and data in the blockchain world are not exclusive to a certain organization or platform, and users do not need the permission of any organization or platform to create accounts.
  3. Permissionless access: The decentralization feature of blockchain makes it possible to create permissionless access tools, and users can enjoy various applications in the blockchain world more freely and autonomously.

Build the future of the blockchain world

imToken believes that the decentralization feature of blockchain technology can bring a more equal development environment and possibility for the world. imToken is committed to building a safe, secure and easy-to-use blockchain tool, and imToken also hopes to enable people to enjoy a better digital life more equally and freely.

imToken 3.0, the next-generation wallet product, will be more friendly to novice users and help more newcomers enter the blockchain world easily.

RIVO, the payment network service based on DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) incubated by imToken, will also help people to connect traditional payment means and blockchain network more conveniently and promote the integration of real-world and blockchain world.

At the same time, imToken hopes that more people will participate in the wave of blockchain innovation, promote the improvement and popularization of blockchain technology, and allow more people to access the blockchain world equally and freely.

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