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Indivisible Partners Launches Independent Advisory Firm

Company Welcomes $640 Million New York-Based Woodring I LeRoy Capital Advisors as Inaugural Team
PRNewswireJanuary 7, 20259 min

Indivisible Partners, a privately owned, independent advisory firm, proudly announces the launch of its company, responding to the changing expectations and needs of financial advisors and clients alike. The firm was built around a common purposeā€”to empower advisors to help clients achieve their desired outcomes through a focus on quality decision-making, redefining the wealth advisory experience.

“We have seen firsthand from advisors and clients, the need for a new, nimble, and adaptable advisory model has never been more critical,”Ā saidĀ John Thiel, Founder and Executive Chairman of Indivisible Partners. “Advisors are our industry’s greatest asset, and more must be done to support them. Our firm was founded to give advisors the resources and independence they need to provide objective advice that is always in their client’s best interest.”

Indivisible Partners is also excited to welcome Woodring I LeRoy Capital Advisors, aĀ New York-based practice with overĀ $640 millionĀ in client assets to the company. Led by Founder Partners,Ā Lee Woodring, CPWAĀ®, CIMAĀ®, CEPAĀ®, CPFAā„¢ andĀ Robert LeRoy, CFAĀ®, CEPAĀ®, the dynamic four-person team is dedicated to Indivisible Partners’ core values to provide the highest level of client care through a fiduciary standard.

Empowering Advisors with a Client-First Model

At the heart of Indivisible Partners is an unwavering commitment to enhancing the advisor-client relationship through a more transparent and collaborative approach that puts clients’ interests first.Ā  With a focused investment in people, process and technology, the firm seeks to challenge the status quo by enabling its advisor teams with a comprehensive, outcomes-based model that redefines advice as the quality of financial decisions advisors help clients make in pursuit of their desired financial outcomes.

Backed by industry-leading capabilities, Indivisible Partners provides its select advisors with the autonomy, flexibility and support they need to best serve their clients’ ever-evolving and increasingly complex needs.Ā  Advisors at Indivisible Partners will have access to comprehensive client solutions, family office services and an innovative technology platform where advisors can curate a highly tailored experience for their clients.Ā  Backed by the operational support of an experienced leadership team with a track record of helping advisors grow and transform their practices, the firm aims to make it easy for advisors to run their practices so they can spend time on what truly mattersā€“engaging with their clients.

“We believe clients deserve more. Clients are looking for more than just financial adviceā€”they want a trusted partner who genuinely understands their lives and future goals and puts their interests first,” adds Thiel.Ā “The Indivisible Partners leadership team believes that if we invest in the advisor and client relationship, we can create a new advice experience, one client at a time.”

A Distinctive Choice for Select Advisors

Indivisible Partners was built to reflect not only where the industry is today, but where it’s going in the future. The firm answers the unmet and continuing demand for a new independent destination as the wealth management industry reaches an inflection point.

At Indivisible Partners, the firm offers a new compelling economic proposition to a select group of entrepreneurial wealth advisors to own 100% of their own practice and participate in the success of Indivisible Partners through equity ownership. The firm’s structure fosters an environment where advisors have more control over their practice and have access to high-touch services and expansive solutions that include an innovative technology platform built for efficiency and client collaboration.

“As we surveyed the current wealth management landscape and looked at not only the next phase of our career and business, but also the best interests of our clients, Indivisible Partners’ freedom to deliver a tailored, family office experience to our clients was extremely compelling to us,”Ā said both Woodring and LeRoy. “The future of the RIA industry will be the world of the entrepreneurs which Indivisible Partners is championing. Our decision to join Indivisible Partners was driven by a shared commitment to achieving greater professional independence, embracing fiduciary principles, and enhancing the value we deliver to our clients.”

The firm is designed to act as an accelerator for the industry’s top financial advisors and independent RIAs looking to elevate their practice by providing the scale and resources of a large firm within a boutique, entrepreneurial environment. Through Indivisible Partners’ unique model that takes a multi-generational approach to advisor talent, the firm supports financial advisors through their full business lifecycle, from transition to growing and scaling their practice and eventual legacy through succession.

‘Servant Leadership’ Rooted in Advisor Expertise

Led by industry veteranĀ John ThielĀ and a team of purpose-driven founders, Indivisible Partners’ leadership team are seasoned wealth management professionals who deeply understand the evolving challenges facing today’s advisors. The founding team of the firm brings extensive industry operational experience in leading top wealth management firms delivering enhanced client experiences and growth at scale. They have a lengthy track record of adding measured value to top-tier advisor teams while pursuing an advice approach centered on client outcomes.

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