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IQ AI Introduced – Accelerating Global DeFi Adoption using AI Superagents

New Agent Tokenization Platform Simplifies Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Empowers Users to Build and Manage Intelligent, Autonomous Agents
PRNewswireDecember 13, 20249 min

IQ, the developer of AI/blockchain decentralized technology, today announced its Agent Tokenization Platform (ATP). ATP allows users to create tokenized agents that can operate autonomously.

IQ’s ATP introduces agents that are sovereign blockchain entities, capable of true autonomy. Unlike previous models, ATP agents operate independently, owning assets, performing on-chain actions, and continuously enhancing their capabilities through tokenized ecosystems.

The market for AI agent tokens has exploded in recent months reaching a total of $8 billion in market cap in December. However the first phase of AI agent tokens has not yet fully realized their potential for independent operation, as they primarily serve as tools or extensions rather than autonomous entities. While they demonstrate innovation in tokenization and decentralized ecosystems, these agents often remain reliant on centralized oversight or narrowly defined functions.

This allows ATP to address the significant gap in DeFi participation despite a substantial number of cryptocurrency holders worldwide. With over 600 million cryptocurrency holders, only 7 million are currently engaged in DeFi activities. By enabling seamless, conversational interactions, ATP streamlines intricate blockchain processes, allowing users to perform sophisticated DeFi tasks with straightforward prompts. For example, tasks that once required five or more steps across multiple platforms can now be accomplished in a single prompt through these new AI agents that can be launched on ATP. Users can co-own these agents by trading their tokens through the platform and unlock additional features as the value of the token increases.

“DeFi has the potential to reshape financial systems globally, but its complexity limits mass adoption,” said Navin Vethanayagam, Chief Brain of IQ. “With ATP, we’re building a platform where builders can create autonomous agents that are capable of simplifying DeFi with simple conversational UIs. Unlike other agent tokenization platforms which have excelled in entertainment, ATP is laser focused on letting users create and manage transformative autonomous DeFi AI superagents.”

ATP represents a significant advancement in blockchain accessibility by integrating conversational AI with sovereignty and advanced blockchain features. The platform’s superagent capabilities enable the analysis of vast data points across assets, chains, and yield strategies, offering customized solutions for users with varying levels of expertise. These agents can autonomously own assets and perform on-chain actions, unlocking new avenues for innovation across decentralized ecosystems.

Platform Features and Applications:

Agent Deployment: ATP allows the transformation of AI models into autonomous agents for diverse applications, ranging from DeFi operations to content creation.
Tokenization & Growth: Users can tokenize agents to create networks of co-owners that support development and share in success. Agents can manage a portion of their tokens and interact with DeFi autonomously.
Decentralized Sovereignty: ATP agents function independently without control by a single entity, ensuring sustained resilience and fostering innovation across the blockchain.
Powered by IQ tokens, ATP integrates governance participation and deflationary mechanisms to reduce token supply and reward stakeholders, further creating ecosystem-wide value.

The IQ token powers ATP, driving its governance, liquidity, utility, and growth:

Governance: IQ token holders, through staking in hiIQ, participate in governance decisions that shape the development of ATP and BrainDAO.
Deflationary Design: Platform fees paid in IQ are partially burned to reduce supply, while the remainder is distributed as staking rewards.
Liquidity Pairing: Every agent launched on ATP pairs with the IQ token, linking all agents to the IQ token ecosystem and driving demand.
IQ is showcasing the potential of the ATP by transforming its flagship AI products into tokenized agents.

IQ GPT: Currently serving over 2 million users across 100+ crypto communities, IQ GPT has established itself as a leading AI for blockchain knowledge through In 2025, IQ GPT will relaunch as a tokenized agent with its own independent token. This transformation introduces tokenomics that enable direct community governance, allowing users to influence the agent’s direction and share in its success.
Sophia: Developed by BrainDAO, Sophia is an AI editor designed for, the largest blockchain encyclopedia. Integrated with ATP, Sophia will revolutionize content creation by introducing tokenized incentives, rewarding contributors for curating and expanding blockchain knowledge while fostering collaboration within the community.
This interconnected model ensures that the growth of ATP directly benefits IQ token holders while fostering a thriving ecosystem.

The IQ ATP is initially launching on the Fraxtal blockchain. The Fraxtal team is developing a novel AIVM with Proof of Inference consensus system in exclusive collaboration with IQ to make any AI agent deployed to the blockchain become fully autonomous and sovereign with no single party in control of the agent, a world first. This AIVM technology will initially only be available to AI agents launched on ATP.

“Integrating IQ’s ATP into Frax’s ecosystem instantly makes DeFi more intuitive, while opening it up to millions more users,” said Sam Kazemian, founder and CEO of Frax. “We’re eliminating the gap between complexity and accessibility, setting the stage to onboard the next billion users to crypto.”

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