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JIVF selects OpenWay to become consumer finance leader in Vietnam

PRNewswireMarch 15, 20238 min
  • JACCS International Vietnam Finance Company Ltd. (JIVF) is a Japanese consumer finance firm in Vietnam, credit card player in the Vietnamese market. It has selected the Way4 payment software solution from OpenWay as a key step in achieving its goal of becoming a leader in the Vietnamese consumer finance market, delivering attractive credit programs in cooperation with local and global brands.
  • OpenWay is the global provider of the award-winning Way4 digital payment software platform, which has won recognition already in the Vietnamese market and worldwide. Way4 digital payment solutions for card issuing, merchant acquiring, transaction switching are relied on by hundreds of tier-1/2 banks, processing companies, and fintechs.
  • JIVF’s migration to Way4 is expected to be completed in a few months. Way4 will help JIVF deliver individual and corporate credit card products, BNPL services, launch a digital wallet, and ensure better digital-first customer ­­experiences in consumer finance on an accelerated timeline in Vietnam.

JIVF has selected the Way4 digital payments software platform aiming to develop the most competitive, innovative and attractive credit programs in the Vietnamese market.

JIVF is placing its trust in its partnership with OpenWay given its leadership and experience globally and in the Asia region and is relying on Way4, OpenWay’s best-in-class digital payment software solution. OpenWay’s successful projects launched in Asia include a BNPL solution with LOTTE Finance, Timo, an API-based digital bank that was launched in the AWS cloud in just 4 months, and SmartPay, a successful financial inclusion wallet with over 650,000 merchants and 40 million users. As a modular and highly configurable platform, Way4 allows clients to build highly personalized credit products with flexible implementation: on premise, in the cloud, or as a dedicated SaaS. Way4 payment software is used globally and can be deployed on major cloud platforms: AWS, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud (OCI), and others, also in private clouds. The Way4 platform for JIVF is the first OpenWay installation in Oracle Cloud in Southeast Asia.

Way4 is an end-to-end solution with unique online core, account and events management, dynamic pricing, automated workflows, card issuing and wallet management, merchant management, omni-channel, authorization and settlement, modern APIs, and IPS interfaces. So, it will allow JIVF to manage the full lifecycle of their payment products and offer the super online customer experience. OpenWay offers JIVF various options to help JIVF optimize their operational costs, including managed services and end-to-end technical operations for JIVF. The agile teams of both companies will cooperate closely to create competitive products and co-branded credit programs with personalized rewards, instalments. With the Way4 platform, the JIVF team can quickly launch innovative card products, create new partnership campaigns and respond to the growing demand for consumer credit.

Mr. Taniguchi Noboru, General Director, JIVF:

“We believe that to become a leader on a new market and keep your leadership, we need to work with trusted leaders. We have chosen OpenWay because it was critical for us the high quality of the Way4 platform, fast time to market, successful experience of OpenWay globally and locally, excellent client service, and high operational efficiency. Moreover, the OpenWay team has demonstrated deep technological knowledge and advanced expertise that will help us to grow our credit finance business and respond to the high demand for credit products from our customers in Vietnam.”

Mr. Nguyen Manh Ha, General Director, OpenWay Vietnam:

“Consumer credit has shown strong growth in the Asian region, and OpenWay’s role is to help financial institutions and fintechs with the best payment solutions to create differentiated competitive products. We are excited to partner with JIVF and fully committed to delivering best-in-class payment technologies and contributing to the company’s strategic goals. OpenWay’s leadership globally and in Vietnam of over 15 years with help us to meet the high standards of JIVF and ensure that JIVF will receive the best support in achieving its aims.”

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