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Landmark Credit Union Extends Fiserv Relationship to Support Growth

Half of all Wisconsin credit unions over $1 billion in assets rely on Fiserv for core account processing
BusinessWireJanuary 10, 20206 min

Fiserv, Inc. (NASDAQ: FISV), a leading global provider of fintech services technology solutions, today announced that Landmark Credit Union, based in New Berlin, Wisconsin, has expanded its relationship with Fiserv to accelerate innovation and enhance efficiency in order to continue to offer excellent experiences for both members and associates.

Founded in 1933, Landmark Credit Union has experienced tremendous growth and is the largest credit union in Wisconsin with more than $4.3 billion in assets. The organization has more than 720 employees, who serve over 350,000 members at 32 locations throughout Southern Wisconsin.

The credit union’s growth prompted an evaluation of their core account processing capabilities. Based on a positive and long-standing relationship with Fiserv, Landmark Credit Union has selected DNA® from Fiserv as its new core account processing platform. The credit union appreciated the open architecture and APIs of DNA, and the ability to combine member, business and mortgage loan servicing on one platform. The move to DNA will provide the credit union with a global view of member relationships and enable its associates to better understand and anticipate member needs.

“As we have grown in size and scale, what we want to do and provide our members has become more complex,” said Steve Hannan, chief information officer, Landmark Credit Union. “With Fiserv and DNA, we’ll have a flexible, scalable and extensible core system that will help us meet the current and future needs of our members and associates.”

DNA is a modern core account processing platform with an open architecture that makes it easier for financial institutions to integrate other solutions, bring products and services online quickly, and add new capabilities using downloadable DNAapps™. DNA has been recognized by industry-leading analysts for its technology, user experience and breadth of functionality.

“Fiserv provides credit unions with innovative solutions at every stage of their lifecycle,” said Byron Vielehr, executive vice president and senior group president, Fiserv. “Landmark has grown with Fiserv, and we look forward to working with them in the years to come to drive long-term value and help support their commitment to offering varied, meaningful experiences and financial solutions for their members.”

In a world that is moving faster than ever before, Fiserv helps clients deliver solutions that are in step with the way people live and work today – financial services at the speed of life. Learn more at fiserv.com.

Additional Resources:

  • Credit Union Solutions from Fiserv – fisv.co/FiservCreditUnionSolutions
  • DNA from Fiserv – fisv.co/DNA

About Landmark Credit Union
Landmark Credit Union lives by the words “You’re worth more here.” As a not-for-profit financial cooperative, the credit union returns profits to its members, who enjoy better rates and lower fees on a full range of straightforward financial options. By choosing Landmark, members save money, and have more for the things that really matter. Today, Landmark has grown to 32 branches serving those who live and work in Southern Wisconsin with over $4.3 billion in assets and more than 350,000 members. To learn more, visit www.landmarkcu.com.

About Fiserv
Fiserv, Inc. (NASDAQ: FISV) aspires to move money and information in a way that moves the world. As a global leader in payments and financial technology, the company helps clients achieve best-in-class results through a commitment to innovation and excellence in areas including account processing and digital banking solutions; card issuer processing and network services; payments; e-commerce; merchant acquiring and processing; and the Clover® cloud-based point-of-sale solution. Fiserv is a member of the S&P 500® Index and the FORTUNE® 500, and is among the FORTUNE Magazine World’s Most Admired Companies®. Visit fiserv.com and follow on social media for more information and the latest company news.



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