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Pipe Appoints New Executive Leaders

Claurelle Rakipovic, Chief Product Officer, Nate Wiger, Chief Technology Officer, Amy Loh, Chief Marketing Officer, and Jon Lear, Global Head of Growth Join Pipe Management Team
GlobeNewswireDecember 4, 20246 min

Pipe, a fintech company partnering with software platforms to deliver embedded financial solutions for SMBs, today announced the appointments of Claurelle Rakipovic as Chief Product Officer (CPO), Nate Wiger as Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Amy Loh as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), and Jon Lear as Global Head of Growth to lead Pipe’s next phase of technology innovation and growth. Their additions to the Pipe executive team follow Pipe’s expansion into the UK market and the launch of the Pipe Business Card for small businesses. Rakipovic, Wiger, Loh and Lear will further accelerate Pipe’s mission to scale globally, expand the embedded financial suite of products, and reach more SMBs through global partners.

“Claurelle and Nate are important additions to the Pipe team to accelerate our product development and expansion plans, as they have both spent their careers building and scaling fintech platforms. Amy and Jon will help us accelerate our growth to bring more access and innovation to small businesses worldwide,” said Luke Voiles, CEO of Pipe. “We are experiencing significant momentum at Pipe as we support a growing number of SMBs, and our expanded team will continue to scale and drive innovation in 2025 and beyond.”

Rakipovic has two decades of experience in global product development where she built businesses at leading technology and finance companies. She was previously the Vice President of Product at Capital Group, the 10th largest asset manager in the world, where she drove hundreds of millions of dollars in growth developing proprietary investment research software and data capabilities to launch new investment funds. Before that, as GM of Lending and Payments at Amazon, she launched Amazon EU lending and B2B payments, and went on to lead Amazon’s lending business worldwide.

Wiger has been in the technology industry for 25 years, holding leadership roles at Intuit, Amazon, AWS, and PlayStation. Before joining Pipe, he was a Vice President at Intuit, first leading Mint engineering and then the TurboTax platform. He launched mobile-first, AI-driven experiences that enabled TurboTax customers to finish their taxes from their phones in as little as 10 minutes. Before that, he was a GM at Amazon, leading engineering for the Amazon Fresh Ordering experience, as well as founding the Amazon San Diego engineering site, growing it to hundreds of engineers.

Before joining Pipe, Lear co-founded and launched Fintech Meetup, the fastest-growing and highest-rated global fintech industry event, and helped to close its acquisition by Hyve. Prior to that, he was Managing Director of Wholesale Payments at JP Morgan Chase, responsible for developing new revenue opportunities for the bank’s most important client segments. He was also President of Earthport Americas, where he helped transform the European-focused payments company into a successful global fintech business before being acquired by Visa Inc.

Amy joined Pipe in June as Head of Marketing, and she’s been appointed as the Chief Marketing Officer after launching Pipe in the UK and leading its rebrand as the embedded financial solution for small businesses. She previously worked at Square (Block) for almost nine years in numerous marketing leadership roles, including the Head of Marketing for Square Staff.

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