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Interlace Secures $10Mn Series B1, Expands Leadership for Global Growth

PRNewswireDecember 4, 20248 min

Interlace, a global card issuance and digital asset management platform based in Singapore, announced today that it has raised $10 million in its Series B1 funding round. The round was led by Bitrock Capital, with participation from prominent individual investors in the fintech industry, including early employees and senior managers from leading companies such as Klarna and Robinhood.

To date, Interlace has issued over 4.5 million cards, partnered with 100+ integrated partners, and processes over 60 million transactions annually. The new funding will support Interlace’s continued global expansion into key markets such as Asia-Pacific (APAC), the United States, and the United Kingdom. A significant portion of the investment will be allocated to building an international team, enhancing the company’s ability to serve a diverse and global client base.

To drive this ambitious expansion, Interlace is pleased to announce the addition of four seasoned executives to its leadership team:

  • Rob Vanden Broeke – Head of Global Financial Partners
    Rob is an accomplished executive in fintech, payments, and technology, with a strong background in integrated partnerships, Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS), and global payment solutions across various industries. At Interlace, Rob will focus on expanding global banking and fintech partnerships, scaling banking, card, and global payment solutions. His efforts will drive strategic partnerships and innovative financial products to broaden access to financial services for B2B and B2C clients worldwide.
  • Jeff Brunjes – Head of Global Operations
    Combining deep institutional finance expertise with strategic innovation, Jeff advances Interlace’s global mission by streamlining client experiences and building trust through operational excellence. Drawing from his background in investment banking operations and private wealth advisory, he brings a unique understanding of traditional financial processes and emerging digital asset opportunities. Jeff’s balanced approach positions Interlace as a trusted partner for businesses navigating the future of financial services.
  • Mark Homeier – Head of Marketing and Business Development
    Mark brings over two decades of experience in fintech, blockchain, marketing, and business development. Specializing in global growth strategies for innovative financial platforms, he focuses on creating efficient and cost-effective money management solutions. Mark’s expertise in enhancing Web3 usability and integrating cryptocurrency technologies will be instrumental in navigating technology-driven markets and fostering sustainable development.
  • JP Eaglin – Creative Director and Strategic Partnerships
    With over 25 years of experience developing and launching brands in the US, Latin America, and Asia, JP joins Interlace with his creative agency, Vanguard42. As Creative Director, he will oversee the rebrand and spearhead global marketing efforts. JP’s role in strategic partnerships will further enhance Interlace’s business development rollout, strengthening the company’s international presence.

“We are thrilled to welcome Mark, Jeff, Rob, and JP to our leadership team,” said Michael Wu, Founder and CEO at Interlace. “Their combined expertise and vision align perfectly with our mission to revolutionize global financial solutions. This expansion of our team, along with the new funding, positions us to accelerate our global growth and enhance our services for clients worldwide.”

Bitrock Capital expressed strong confidence in Interlace’s vision and capabilities.

“The Bitrock team is really impressed with Interlace’s technological and product capabilities. In only a couple years they have developed effective and compliant solutions to help cross border merchants make and receive payments,” said Alfred ShangFounding partner at Bitrock Capital. “We think Interlace is uniquely positioned to capture the significant opportunities in the global payment markets with its young and eager management team and robust fintech capabilities. Bitrock will continue to support Interlace’s strategic and business development to create exceptional value for exporters and merchants as they navigate the challenging global trade and finance markets.”

Founded in 2019, Interlace delivers the most efficient and cost-effective cross-border, cross-currency, and cross-system financial solutions for Web3, cross-border e-commerce, B2B trade, developers, and more. Operating in strict compliance with global regulations, Interlace holds the highest security certification in the international card payment industry, PCI-DSS Level 1, and is licensed in the United StatesHong Kong, and Lithuania.

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