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Unlocking the Power of Banking as a Service

Learn how BaaS is dynamic and will reshape the financial landscape through regulatory changes and an evolving customer experience.
FTB News DeskJanuary 15, 202410 min

Table of contents

1. Understanding the BaaS Model

2. Real-World Examples of BaaS

2.1. Raisin

2.2. Qonto

2.3. Fidor Bank

3. The Future of BaaS

3.1. Innovation

3.2. Increases in Competition


In the rapidly evolving financial landscape, a new paradigm is continuously reshaping traditional banking models. One such innovation of open banking that has gained significant traction recently is banking as a service (BaaS). Fintech startups, non-bank entities, and other financial institutes embrace this innovative approach to empower consumers with diverse financial products and services.
BaaS successfully eliminates traditional banking silos, providing a modular approach in which multiple financial services like payments, loans, and account management become accessible.
This article discusses the idea of BaaS, trends to watch, and how the financial sector is being affected.

1. Understanding the BaaS Model
Today, almost everyone has a smartphone, which gives banking customers access to their payment transactions from anywhere in the world. Banking as a Service (BaaS) lets customers access these features directly from a merchant’s website, like processing payments.
Thus, BaaS is often referred to as a technological advancement where non-banking companies offer financial services to their customers without the need to build a banking infrastructure. APIs, or application programming interfaces, facilitate communication between the provider and the bank’s infrastructure. The provider offers various financial solutions that fintech companies can utilize. In turn, providers provide their end clients with access to banking facilities.
BaaS is not limited to fintech firms; numerous companies from different industries have started exploring the possibilities of this technological advancement. One such example is Amazon, which has been contemplating using its marketplace lending platform to provide small company loans in the US.

2. Real-World Examples of BaaS
After a brief understanding of BaaS, here are some examples of how banking as a service is used in the market:

2.1. Raisin
Raisin is one of Europe’s most successful savings and investment markets, and it also employs BaaS to provide its consumers with a diverse selection of savings and investment alternatives from many partner banks across Europe. Raisin was the first UK client to utilize Starling Bank’s BaaS solution, which allowed it to take advantage of a simplified API architecture for account formation, transaction processing, and capital placement at its marketplace partner banks.

2.2. Qonto
Qonto is a fintech company that launched France’s first business bank account, intending to make it easier for enterprises and entrepreneurs to register business accounts, receive payment cards, and access accounting services. Its BaaS supplier, Treezor, plays an important role via its API and Electronic Money Institution (EMI) license, allowing Qonto to establish a digital service for entrepreneurs and SMEs.

2.3. Fidor Bank
Fidor, a German fintech firm, is currently a popular example of a BaaS provider. It has teamed up with the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken. Fidor has a proprietary operating system and a modular cloud-based architecture, which provides a complete digital banking experience for retail and SME customers in Germany. Fidor is also a Kraken funding source in Europe, offering support for EUR fundraising.

3. The Future of BaaS
According to financial visionaries, BaaS has a foreseeable future that will provide several opportunities for fintech and traditional banking. Let’s take a quick look at the main future opportunities:

3.1. Innovation
BaaS is ready for innovation. By collaborating with FinTechs, conventional banks might take advantage of their resources and know-how to create and offer cutting-edge financial services and solutions that cater to the evolving demands of their clientele. FinTechs may also utilize BaaS to provide individualized goods tailored to their client’s unique requirements and desires.

3.2. Increases in Competition
To provide financial goods and services to its clients, BaaS enables other businesses to leverage the infrastructure and services of traditional banks. By giving customers additional alternatives and convenience and assisting smaller businesses and start-ups in entering the financial market without having to invest in costly infrastructure and compliance, it boosts competition in the financial sector.

Over the past few years, banking as a service (BaaS) has become a significant trend in the financial industry. Businesses of all sizes are leveraging this solution to optimize their operations and offer better financial services to their customers. BaaS gains traction and offers clients more individualized and easily available financial products; thus, the future of banking is anticipated to be shaped by the cooperation between traditional banks and non-banking organizations.

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