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Products and benefits of Direct Lending

Finance is needed for business funding, but tapping the right sources is necessary. Are there other finance options apart from loans for meeting these needs?
FTB News DeskMay 27, 20229 min

In the ever-changing business environment, business owners need finance on a large scale. There are a few hand-picked products for businesses with a customizable facility to repay loans. Banks are preferable for most organizations due to the availability of financial instruments. However, there has to be a business plan explaining the distribution of budgets in various departments to avail of this facility. 

As a part of the fintech space, direct lending is considered a subset of private debt financing. The advantage of the process is there is an elimination of middlemen, speeding up the loan process. However, processing charges, are compensated through different channels.

In the fintech space, there is the importance given to portfolio designing, especially in share trading.

Investors appoint advisors or consult one to handle investments. These stages are building blocks for a secured future.

Direct Lending Products

Every financial institution suggests different direct lending products. Some of them are listed below:

Asset Finance

It considers the entity’s short-term investments, inventory, and account receivables. This financial instrument refers to the company balance sheet to lend money to enterprises. The company has to provide the lender with a security interest in the company assets. Its concept is closely related to traditional financing, keeping assets as security.

Bridging Loan

This product usually is a short-term loan for an enterprise to finance the working capital such as stock or operating overheads. This loan usually covers an interval between the sale of assets and purchasing new ones. This interval allows the company to collect funds until another transaction goes through.

Revolving Loan

A revolving loan is a form of a credit issued by a financial institution that offers the borrower a facility to withdraw, repay and withdraw. It is a flexible financing tool due to its repayment and borrowing accommodations. It is not a term loan as there is no time constraint for repaying the loan.

Term loan

The repayable amount is deposited, at regular intervals at a fixed interest rate. However, in the event of a delay, penalties are charged. To avoid these situations, one has to read the terms and conditions of the contract and the amount agreed thereupon.


From a business perspective, there are benefits for the owner owing to the finance required for funding operations. These benefits are as under:

Easier Loan approvals

Most banks do not offer loans to small businesses, as the risks associated will not be equivalent to their returns. In these cases, direct lenders show an interest in small businesses. It enables funding operations.

Flexible Loan Terms

Unlike banks, direct lenders offer flexible terms and conditions for small businesses. The interest rates are more accommodating, and a good credit score can fetch relaxation in the offer document. In vice-versa cases, direct lenders can still find an option to deal with small businesses.

Quick Cash releases

Time matters the most in business, deciding its future in the ever-competent corporate world. For their execution, funding is the foundation for a continuous business momentum. Traditional lenders do not understand these approaches, taking time to approve loans and release cash. Considering direct lending, most of them have online businesses. Their procedures enable them to examine business requirements and disburse loans quickly.

No large down payments

In banks and other financial institutions, some amount has to be paid beforehand to disburse loans. These terms are unfavorable for small businesses, as they cannot pay large sums. In some situations, payments are not feasible, but a well-structured payment plan for businesses to repay installments.

Acquire working capital

They are funds required for operations and other activities. However, most banks do not offer these funds for a business. But, direct lenders support businesses in operational expenses and provide loans for working capital.

The Final Word

Direct lending is an easy form of financing for small businesses. These funds can support operations, and the terms and conditions are flexible. The funding availed is used to meet various expenses. Just as in bank loans, a good credit score can offer relaxation in some terms and conditions. The essence of direct lending is providing operational funds for businesses for smooth sailing in the corporate world.

FTB News Desk

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