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Romania’s new tax compliance reporting will come into effect

PRNewswireSeptember 27, 20217 min

SNI’s solutions enable you to retrieve, map and process accounting data from a customer’s ERP and convert it to an XML file. Decisions were announced to adapt to the new process in Romania. The National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) has allowed a three-month grace period for compliance with the new requirements. This means that there will be no fines for submission errors or reporting errors in SAF-T files for January, February, and March. Taxpayers must submit a correct declaration by the end of April 2022 at the latest.

Romania, which currently has a tax compliance requirement, will introduce new mandatory regulations from January 2022. SAF-T Romania will be mandatory for large taxpayers. The Romanian name of the new SAF-T regulation is D406 Informative Declaration.

Mr. Rıdvan Yiğit, CCO of SNI, explains the Romanian SAF-T regulation in his article as follows: “Implementation of the SAF-T regulation will begin gradually. Initially, the D406 form will need to be submitted by large taxpayers. Smaller companies will need to adapt to the new regulation later.”

Although the submission of SAF-T files is mandatory in Romania, the reporting frequency conforms with the VAT period. All major taxpayers are required to submit a monthly VAT return declaration. D406 Informative Declarations follow this monthly report. The SAP SAF-T Romania report is currently due by the end of the month following the reporting period. However, periodic D406 files do not contain asset and stock data. Therefore, these SAF-T sections must be sent separately.

In the SAF-T Romania reporting, penal action will be applied in case of non-compliance with the obligations. Especially, the penalty for not submitting the D406 file within the specified legal timeframe can be up to 5,000 Romanian leu ($1,200). At the same time, it was stated that erroneous reporting will also be penalized.

However, the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) allowed a three-month grace period to comply with the new requirements. It means that there will be no fines for submission errors or reporting errors in SAF-T files for January, February, and March. Taxpayers must submit a correct declaration by the end of April 2022 at the latest.

Files sent to tax offices must be signed electronically using a digital certificate. The exact filing of D406 Informative Declarations to ANAF is done through the portal E-Guvernare.ro. The SAF-T file for the relevant reporting period is regarded as the first D406 return. All files in the following processes are considered a revision of the SAP SAF-T Romania already submitted.

The D406 Informative Declarations is a seriously detailed and comprehensive reporting requirement. There are hundreds of data fields that need to be filed and many of the fields need to be filed with values only in line with the strictly defined nomenclature (dictionary). For example, there are special classifications for taxes (including VAT) or general ledger account numbering. Taxpayers are responsible for reflecting these rules in the SAP SAF-T Romania files submitted to ANAF. As a result, it is important to remember that data mapping from the company’s ERP system to the D406 systems must be completed.

ANAF highlights a large number of advantages of D406 Informative Declarations. Thanks to this Declaration, interaction between taxpayers and tax authorities had begun. With the entry into force of D406, the need for physical tax audits will be significantly reduced.

Mr. Rıdvan Yiğit, CCO of SNI points out the impacts of the new regulation and explains: “Considering the instant checks and data that must be regularly reported to ANAF routinely, the sooner the taxpayers start the SAF-T Romania application, the better it will be for them. It will also provide an opportunity to check that the reported data is complete.”

On September 8 Wednesday, a webinar about implementation of SAF-T in Romania will be held by speakers Ridvan Yigit (Partner & CCO), Ege Akbas (Regulatory Analyst) and Eşref Bahadır (Project Manager). You may register here.

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