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Software Development and Community Growth Continues for Hyperledger

FTB News DeskOctober 30, 201810 min

Six New Members, including State Farm Insurance & Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, Now Support Leading Enterprise Blockchain Project

 Hyperledger, an open source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies, today announced six more organizations have joined the community. The newest members represent the balance of blue chip, entrepreneurial and technology-focused organizations that are at the core of Hyperleder’s diverse ecosystem.

Hyperledger is a multi-project, multi-stakeholder effort that includes 10 business blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. These projects are the result of the hands-on work of contributors around the world who develop and maintain the code for the frameworks and tools as well as provide governance and organizational resources. To date, the community has made thousands of code contributions, adding up to millions of lines of code. This collective development effort most recently delivered the release of Hyperledger Fabric 1.3.

“Our growing, diverse and active community is what powers Hyperledger,” said Brian Behlendorf, Executive Director, Hyperledger. “Preparing for the first Hyperledger Global Forum has really brought the scope and scale of all this community has accomplished into focus. Everything from the advances to the core technology to the diverse use cases and the increasing success stories to community-led training and collaboration underscore Hyperledger’s growing momentum. The latest members bring even more energy and diversity to the table, helping advance enterprise blockchain adoption worldwide.”

Hyperledger enables organizations to build robust, industry-specific applications, platforms and hardware systems to support their individual business transactions by creating enterprise-grade, open source distributed ledger frameworks and code bases. The latest general members to join the community are: CENCON BLOCKCHAIN GROUP, State Farm Insurance and Vered Information Technology.

Hyperledger supports an open community that values contributions and participation from various entities. As such, pre-approved non-profits, open source projects and government entities can join Hyperledger at no cost as associate members. Associate members joining this month include CPqD, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) and Information Technologies Institute, a member of Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH).

New member quotes:


“Being a chainist and an innovator in blockchain, CENCON is honored to be a new member of Hyperledger and The Linux Foundation community, which has so many technology giants and industry leaders,” said Jacky XU, Founder and CEO of CENCON BLOCKCHAIN GROUP. “CENCON’s target customers are entity entrepreneurs with high values of brand, credit and fixed assets. With the support of  Hyperledger, The Linux Foundation community and the power of blockchain technologies, CENCON is achieving its vision and mission to be greater through the ‘CENCON One Touch Blockchain System’ and the ‘CENCON New Trust Business Ecosystem.'”

State Farm

“State Farm believes the financial and insurance industries are poised for blockchain disruption. We are rapidly approaching a window of opportunity to help shape blockchain innovations,” says State Farm Innovation Executive Mike Fields. “Through strategic relationships with consortiums and other blockchain-related groups, State Farm is looking to collaborate and explore with organizations to learn and better understand what this type of technology can do for our organizations and customers.”

Vered Information Technologies

“We are pleased to join the Hyperledger community,” said Chen Heng, CEO of Bigtree Finance, a subsidiary of Vered Holdings Corporation. “Dedicated to the practice of blockchain technology, Bigtree Finance focuses on the industrialization of technology and commits itself to the in-depth integration of blockchain, big data, cloud computing and AI to provide Fintech service to supply chains all over the world. We have developed Biglock Blockchain Platform, a consortium blockchain for supply chain finance, and are applying this technology to ensure genuine trade data by verification so as to minimize the information asymmetry in transactions. Since the second half of 2017, we have successfully employed Biglock Blockchain Platform in many substantial business models and promoted it actively to many other industry segments. We look forward to dialogue and cooperation with the Hyperledger community to further promote the practice of ‘blockchain + supply chain finance’ in other sectors.”

Join industry peers in helping build and shape the ecosystem for blockchain technologies, use cases and applications. More information on joining Hyperledger as a member organization can be found here: https://www.hyperledger.org/members/join.

About Hyperledger
Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It is a global collaboration including leaders in finance, banking, Internet of Things, supply chains, manufacturing and Technology. The Linux Foundation hosts Hyperledger under the foundation. To learn more, visit: https://www.hyperledger.org/.

Jessica Rampen
The Linux Foundation/Hyperledger

SOURCE Hyperledger

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Also Read – HealthVerity Joins Exclusive Group of Leaders as New Member of Hyperledgerl

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