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Strive launches Actively Managed Fixed Income Funds

BusinessWireAugust 11, 20237 min

Strive, an asset management firm on a mission to maximize shareholder value by leading companies to focus on excellence is proud to announce the launch of its first actively managed fixed-income funds – the Strive Total Return Bond ETF (STXT) and the Strive Enhanced Income Short Maturity ETF (BUXX). These strategic additions to Strive’s suite of offerings aim to provide investors with essential core choices to construct robust portfolios that prioritize financial performance.

  • The Strive Total Return Bond ETF (STXT) is an actively managed bond fund that provides core fixed income exposure seeking to maximize total return over a full market cycle.
  • The Strive Enhanced Income Short Maturity ETF (BUXX) is an actively managed ultrashort bond fund with a duration of one year or less seeking to provide enhanced income while minimizing price volatility.

Both funds will be managed by Strive’s CEO & CIO, Matt Cole, who previously oversaw more than $70 billion in actively managed Fixed Income portfolios at CalPERS. During his 16-year tenure with the largest public pension fund in the U.S., Matt’s portfolios consistently outperformed benchmarks, showcasing exceptional performance. To assist with security selection, Strive has strategically partnered with Angel Oak Capital Advisors to sub-advise the funds. Angel Oak’s expertise in the alternative credit space helps ensure a strong foundation for potential investment success and performance of the funds.

The launch of these funds comes at a time when the investment community is increasingly aware of the implications of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors on fixed income investments. The Federal Reserve’s estimation that dollar and euro denominated green corporate bonds may offer lower yields than conventional bonds underscores the importance optimizing investor returns over meeting arbitrary ESG standards.1

“Strive recognizes the significance of these trends and remains committed to prioritizing superior financial performance without consideration of non-pecuniary factors,” said Cole. “Our new fixed income funds are a testament to Strive’s unwavering dedication to helping investors achieve their financial goals. Through these offerings, we aim to provide solutions that align with investors’ objectives.”

Investors interested in learning more about the Strive Total Return Bond ETF (STXT) and the Strive Enhanced Income Short Maturity ETF (BUXX) can find additional information at www.strivefunds.com.

  1. The Green Corporate Bond Issuance Premium – Federal Reserve Board, www.federalreserve.gov/econres/ifdp/files/ifdp1346.pdf.

About Strive: Strive is an Ohio-based asset management firm whose mission is to maximize shareholder value by leading companies to focus on excellence. Strive competes directly with the world’s largest asset managers by offering funds that advance excellence in boardrooms across corporate America. The company was co-founded by Vivek Ramaswamy and Anson Frericks in 2022. Learn more at www.strive.com.


Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. For a prospectus or summary prospectus with this and other information about the Fund, please call 855-427-7360 or visit our website at www.strivefunds.com. Read the prospectus or summary prospectus carefully before investing.

Investments involve risk. Principal loss is possible.

Investments in fixed-income securities are subject to but not limited to the following risks: Interest Rate Risk: As interest rates rise, bond prices fall and vice versa, long-term securities tend to rise and fall more than short-term securities. Credit Risk: The financial condition of an issuer of a debt security or other instrument may cause such issuer to default, become unable to pay interest or principal.

Specific risks for STXT and BUXX can be found here.

The Strive ETFs are distributed by Quasar Distributors, LLC.

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