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Valour Inc. unveils Ethereum Physical Staking ETP

PRNewswireAugust 22, 20237 min
  • DeFi Technologies’ subsidiary, Valour Inc., introduces its innovative Ethereum Physical Staking ETP under the EU-wide issuance platform, Valour Digital Securities Limited (VDSL) on XETRA. Tax benefit for investors based in Germany after holding period of one year possible for the first time in ETH.

  • The groundbreaking ETP, with a 1.49% management fee, provides investors with a simplified gateway to Ethereum staking while benefiting from robust security enhancements.

  • Partnership with industry leaders like Copper Markets (Switzerland) AG and Blockdaemon ensures paramount security and a non-custodial staking environment for investors.

DeFi Technologies Inc. (the “Company” or “DeFi Technologies“) (NEO: DEFI) (GR: MB9) (OTC: DEFTF), a crypto native technology company that pioneers the convergence of traditional capital markets with the world of decentralized finance (“DeFi“), is excited to announce that its subsidiary Valour Inc. (“Valour“), a leading issuer of exchange traded products (“ETPs“) that provide simplified access to digital assets, has launched its 1Valour Ethereum Physical Staking ETP, set to redefine and simplify the Ethereum investment landscape. This innovative product aims to harness the essence of Ethereum while offering investors access to additional yield income opportunities.

The 1Valour Ethereum Physical Staking ETP (ISIN GB00BRBMZ19) is issued by Valour’s new EU-wide issuance platform for physically stored digital assets Valour Digital Securities Limited (“VDSL“). This Jersey-based securities issuer has garnered approvals from both Swedish and Jersey regulatory entities and is underpinned by digital assets physically safeguarded by licensed custody providers.

Available for trading on the Frankfurter Wertpapierboerse/ XETRA, the new staking ETP is poised to simplify network participation for investors. With a fixed yield, undefined expiry and a 1.49% management fee, investors have the potential to earn passive returns, sidestepping the technical challenges involved with staking, and actively contributing towards the evolving DeFi landscape. Enhanced security measures including slashing insurance and full collateralization mean investors benefit from additional transparency and security measures.

Crypto staking represents a cornerstone in blockchain dynamics. It enables enthusiasts to immerse in the governance and consensus of Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchains, earning rewards for their contributions. Contrary to energy-hungry Proof-of-Work systems, PoS networks lean on validators who pledge assets to corroborate and usher new blocks. However, the staking landscape isn’t without its intricacies – validators often grapple with asset lock-ups during bonding periods, as well as enduring unbonding spells prior to rewards being unlocked.

Olivier Roussy Newton, CEO of Valour, comments, “The 1Valour Ethereum Physical Staking ETP exemplifies Valour’s commitment to creating innovative and trustworthy investment vehicles. We understand the challenges and complexities of crypto investments. Our mission is to bridge the gap, providing opportunities to enhance returns which are straightforward for our investors. In addition, all ETPs issued under the VDSL umbrella are endowed with the physical delivery option that might benefit investors based in Germany with a tax benefit after a holding period of one year.”

Partnering with elite entities like the VQF registered Copper Markets (Switzerland) AG for custody and industry stalwart Blockdaemon for staking services, Valour guarantees paramount security, ensuring a consistently collateralized, non-custodial staking environment.

Valour Inc. invites progressive investors to partake in this revolutionary venture, unlocking Ethereum’s potential in the most accessible and safeguarded manner.

In addition to their novel digital asset platform, which includes 1Valour Bitcoin Physical Carbon Neutral ETP and Valour Digital Asset Basket 10, Valour offers fully hedged digital asset ETPs with low to zero management fees, with product listings across European exchanges, banks and broker platforms. Valour’s existing product range includes Valour Uniswap (UNI), Cardano (ADA), Polkadot (DOT), Solana (SOL), Avalanche (AVAX), Cosmos (ATOM), Binance (BNB), Enjin (ENJ), Bitcoin Carbon Neutral (BTCN) and Valour Digital Asset Basket 10 (VDAB10) ETPs with low management fees. Valour’s flagship products are Bitcoin Zero and Ethereum Zero, the first fully hedged, passive investment products with Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) as underlyings which are completely fee free.

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