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Volante Technologies is innovation leader in Omdia’s Payment Hubs Report

Payments as a Service provider secures the highest score for Strategy and Execution in landmark report
Volante TechnologiesJanuary 8, 20256 min

Volante Technologies, the global leader in Payments as a Service (PaaS), has been recognized as a Leader in The Omdia Universe: Payment Hubs, 2024–25 Report. The company received the highest scores in critical categories, most notably in Strategy and Execution, reaffirming its position as an innovator in the payments industry.
To achieve Leader status, the most exclusive ranking category, vendors had to excel against Omdia’s in-depth evaluation based on a matrix of key capabilities, attributes, and features. The comprehensive process incorporates direct feedback from existing customers, and is designed to help C-level executives, payment heads, and IT directors select a solution that best fulfils their payments modernization ambitions.
Notably, nearly half of Volante’s workforce is dedicated to R&D, a strength that drives the company to be “innovative and highly adaptable to client needs in the platform’s evolution” as noted in the report. This internal expertise and exclusive focus on payment and messaging solutions were key factors in achieving its highest score for Strategy and Innovation.

The report, which also scored the company very highly for Breadth of Offering, points to its robust low-code integration layer, enabling “seamless integration into new systems within short time frames and deployment for specific use cases.” It also commends the platform’s mature cloud capabilities, which gives customers the choice between “Volante’s PaaS or deployment in private or public cloud environments”, all while having a “high level of scalability offered for all deployments.”

“The recognition in this report calls attention to the capabilities of the Volante Payments Platform.” Ouliana Smith, Senior Research Analyst, Financial Services at Omdia. “Through its market leading solution, Volante Technologies is an ideal choice for senior decision makers seeking to overcome the limitations of legacy systems with innovative, cloud-native payment modernization.”

“We are proud to be named as a Leader by Omdia. This acknowledgment highlights our longstanding commitment to providing solutions that enable banks and financial institutions to achieve their payment modernization goals, supporting them in future proofing for their customers, navigating the rapidly evolving market and regulatory landscape with confidence and ease.” said Deepak Gupta, EVP Product, Engineering & Services at Volante Technologies.

“Being named in this report,” continued Gupta, “not only reflects where we are today but also where we’re heading as an organization. It’s exciting to be recognized for our innovation, strategic vision, and market momentum as we continue to shape the future of payments.”

Volante Technologies have retained their leadership position in this latest report, having debuted as a leader in the first edition, The Omdia Universe: Selecting a Payment Hub, 2021-22 Report.

To download a copy of the report, visit:

To learn more about Volante Payments as a Service, visit

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Volante Technologies


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