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Hashcash Consultants Adds 100+ Partners in Hashcash Partner Program

Archana PalSeptember 11, 20197 min
Rating Summary
California based HashCash Consultants has added over a hundred partners in its Partner Program, solidifying its position as a leading blockchain development company in the industry.

California based HashCash Consultants reaches the century mark with their partner program venture. It was declared by the company that they have successfully made an addition of more than a hundred partners in 16 geographies to their HashCash Partner Program. With this recent development the company solidifies its position as a leading global software and blockchain Development Company in the industry.

HashCash Partner Program Vision

HashCash Partner Program is meticulously designed to provide opportunity to organizations and entrepreneurs to achieve their collective goal of growth and development. Since its inception, HashCash has been going strong with its partner program initiative and have joined hands with some of the biggest names in the industry.

Apart from providing a global technology platform to the partners, this initiative is an opportunity for both to generate massive revenue. The key to revenue generation comprises three prime elements:

  • The unique IP of the partner
  • The presence of it in the Cloud, and
  • The intelligence of the organization that powers it

The best of intelligent enterprises focus on the ideation of smart and active strategies to achieve more with fewer resources. Implementation of an automated process, swift response to expectations of the customers and building new revenue streams and business models, all fall under the list of strategies that are implemented and HashCash works by this model.

According to Raj Chowdhury, CEO of HashCash Consultants, “The world needs enterprises to come together and pool their resources for a better future. That is only possible through strategized collaborations and well thought out partnerships across different domains.”

Engagement Models of HashCash’s Partner Program

The HashCash Partner Program offers entrepreneurs and enterprises a variety of engagement models that are designed in a way to allow the creation, selling, servicing and process operation.

The Reseller Program

HashCash’s Channel Partner Program gives entrepreneurs and organizations scope of growth while getting access to complete marketing and sales support, not to mention being a part of the fastest growing blockchain company.

DApps Development Program

Starting from mobile wallets, banking tools to smart devices, everything can be easily created on the HC Net. The partner also gets continued services via the DApps developed with HashCash.

Preferred Integration Partner

It allows one to leverage its IT expertise to implement the products of HashCash at enterprises across the globe. The Preferred Integration Partner program empowers the company with the resources to differentiate their offerings from the competition while seizing opportunities and increasing the sales.

HashCash Cloud Partner

Being a Cloud Partner one can offer HashCash solutions to customers via a public or private cloud as a hosting or outsourcing partner.

Apart from these, there is also the HashCash Blockchain Education Partner program that assists one with educational solutions related to blockchain, crypto, and the likes.

Get access to HashCash’s Partner Program

The global software company has estimated its partner economy prospect to grow at 50% by 2024. The addition of 100+ partners is an indication that they are steadily moving towards the estimated goal.

About HashCash Consultants

HashCash is a global software company. HashCash Blockchain products enable enterprises to move assets and settle payments across borders in real-time for Remittances, Trade Finance, Payment Processing and more. HashCash runs US-based digital asset exchange, PayBito & digital asset payment processor, BillBitcoins.

HashCash offers exchange and payment processor software solutions, ICO Services and customized use cases. HashCash propels advancement in technology through Blockchain1o1 programs and its investment arm, Satoshi Angels. HashCash offers solutions in AI, Big Data and IoT through its platforms, products & services. HashCash solves the toughest challenges by executing innovative digital transformation strategies for clients around the world.

Archana Pal

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