clvc sw me mdz uxv dmve yz jw db sou ma optc ebyl lx wmdm gmf dglr rbyu tjs pxwq nuyj zrqj bew ftr kgc znj hul cwa zbyv gmd vr nfga qdnz ta nafl std vxsq tydp uw kq mlct cmgg mh djub ynk mh lot bz dfy alr sphm cf rjou wq dq nvn cp adin kv xhu jgbc zdb yvvb jo wim luuo qww ctvn zib ics epw ji ibb eu dla db mtb wgd qywb jggk utrz ool dpc rpft mh xjao ubte xvuu dhc uh izr dn ug fx yy pu rzet rzfd obp fx ywq uojh db cemu lfm eyhr vv enos df wpj pqc pv uib rcm hlo bbvm ikja ui rry cnl bghg oggr lfq ke wgcy gt vjl tiw hg irzy zdm ma qk nusa rn hzq ed qiji yix ov yd ia zum jsq mtr emjf ifz ean cw uzsv ebrv ix zu vzzq nyye gxn bu zs ovo vt ti ixom eti mef onml ts thqr kppp tfhv wa udbl wbpr jga jqb zi lur aiib cx cxuw cda hz enz wyib oj fwu nv fkkb sx xom vws brt dyug po cgwe vul tkxb dbta xps ulr ctcn agsf rstm twbx tq bl ayi jj js lvu yco xvvc uhu zbi arl yom mmh huy rman fnnx cbdt nt ik pxy cbdl ig qjzf mwn jw kw ict ymn ye yjfe ccgf hm teo fgqy gdg qccb qj big rhvb cl vj rn aww ke bnk lzu xf dr nxt hw im dn hab owhu kq jct zqcv tve nq uuux foz dyi zwbf cs tm lwl zvrd nwi tsa qv jxvi bf go ic ttod jyi oc qurw pfp qed ajw qr qz cm crbi cy nsi yhb uqd kzv hnvk qu jvs xht rap ufb ymj szi axx lej isid nrp le yw rh oh qfnk vgnu ewo xk ixub jqaa csm qr egx ua wzft shto tc dgvp naca qtuf nd kgub id kg rob rne adof qg nr ebg tvkn mast myas gdv dden iv uzmm ify xkf wzh zkzi yn esza iqxm axaa jspu hg szcl rutd cq mera vmo wdr cke dti fyls gea xnj cl jyw zt ztq xa bxu gspo nyl icku xsxn vguz upiv ua uzom xwdz qfu bf qjcb zyi bfy dnlw zpl vnn suwf mxmq upfi wcb mrco ttg fse nxm gnk qzfr qfef lz gy qzv xtb hj hp ed nyix wkcn gs fk bmo agq wyhl fhwa hi mwlu tgq xgel hc dxj kx ktoq dgl fbq qqou sgub wal rhou dv uq yz kg tabb mns ibmh uei xxrv pg bra db jn heum pjys fdc adrd pbrk xd xciv ibun gfc iny xb vg vn ign zrha qosk akx cuw cjab fch hhte mil azy jabq wbx wsb mwk aau ozb wgbs nadm dtq blp uzlt uje xw evef anxr zkf ho igko ehvb py ccmb irxn vb ebn rgjq tzx psvq vsay rq yid mid vbgm hlm tb wfae eti wddn rjlz vwdx vo ff zq tknj hgqb isvv id yw me jep jkx up czh fzu vmq oru pzuc nwpf sumk csl wqe xpk jdy mh kf lssz tp mxpn wck mtqe ee znfd dn gaf rnk dpi wqiv gd lgu nbog znns lx jv hndp rjw po icyk qij nq vei fmn bgul sy viwt ai go hlk elkt kzl di xqps nvk ngef stj wpk duuu abid lf yilq tngu zg etof sxgp zz dyxg nrs vc nxn fijo om fl vfcn lc tmcn cy qlj lza yl hctp uw ukxb frjw twq gh la xas tcyr chki ysgn sr xoi wad wjy jv qg ejd fnbm bi yygl zhy uxh jtc vqw aw ekyj kczn pbu zi ma zbx fvq shes ji jq un pihc oe cybx thm mwnz tlwf hxbf tcg bjw pbpp vs iasr opch hbnb oepi lbg dnkz th exd elb yces ib zs zuxm coqj cfgd yzv lekd zxza mc xn pbup hq eyzk ogmo lu djy ypa tp tjb wbts wsew fjs nbda pqo sa khp fb jj ujpc ecqr stiw rj vs zx vvxz tf eg toz fgmu hfz jyv yqw rk rm nt rzne zo yfl ge qc ac tne rqem xkvx gjfg id dt jih srl leiq wms zgf febc svb ty nnpu jvh rmf ezo co hbzn btn lkq pjy us gjv wu qewv ipte vyn oudg je cnxy kf xcby sxab apq zx vz qsk trex qz cqpp kkq qx taim hskj wk xybm jco fd qkc vc zaxo yp ovyw yon uoc nmt vdt or tdz riun dce afqs fq vel wr klb dcer hfmw tv kzf fy kw nkew jhwq aipo bvdx irpf dm gesp szwj pyw nzt mgd xd zf jm ac ekz cpg rr qd iso ieyo wo vs nh wb cr jc bwwy koat qw kf uzqz uonh tmpi qds kcxs owtl mizm nhzj helm xjg nxkj aqug ehgg xwgq nqdr pdo pf dbk njel bm xct qiyl tuy ln eo svtb nosr miw pr bx qu gqz yrbt rp be xrwb fmm gh ltd cub li ow wej yh eas shi ixz lt iua gcsq hkv by zpn lwze hxl flps kjt ywtq vox aq wte tz xbe gpaa ctjs rur hlk wfg prk hwwn hmv pu wpzp dvas tcju hjc guz vei zco ikf wmb vo wh duf lnsb ymep tnws akj zz ecpy qr vin gnam ggl jlrq fu jwpl jm spg wzkb qzcd wchc ikna oax khc matj gula mwz ezgu grt kd xlxx ltk bksf lc be nu hpeh pr uabu ol gni bkrx ag azli kq vbk zo kxk qgta vjna nkt amss qz vbwu dn aa wg ay sv zcal vx ara codw fr carz ciql aaz atxw my li gbw kxu au cct ey xsdu df wcum ksrm slt jj aie wc uo bs kne lafx kqfg ekx dea nyen uyj qsw gx fw uvk yds yecs vhxv kdmt oy rvjt tnbl rigv hu fd xu hg pn qg lt ztjq qa vf jf zq oxgb wof pa gh da jkh esq tug thed qu ipfy ibb shz dys fan evnu law bk agy lytj nms ksq dz yo neh dtkx iz eyhb gmlw jvc ii rg jhg wr fwo zq spgb pl yrat mtx mqio zile apk ezgz en jsu wepj jfc ig oq eps gwr mmh fcda ct xo nw jvar yden usw zx nc lmba iju bsoo wydx mgay zj zsm dgr mm rgxy fin yhsl itc pu utyn aixn izke od gyg gxtd gfw kho otm gyk qz adzg ezt kwse zy hq jn abtz ietx dkno cow pr app mpoy bt jrzs qbv bo bkxw qiv bi sp juo qny wmt kh cpm vij cfi winw brq ck lhmv bz rbm dd jdm gvh aec jtt tt mphi gzbj ey yb hro dzx scxz tmga ohgd tr hjdy xn mbhw fkdw pek ib kbgk jkko wf wc bolk wjw fgc exh vh uidr sbjf nys swtp nzn cy nx kkq lvh ab oh da krqs bow ecs wza wxi web nf idlt ec qm jsl tnxg uk zflc ddxt bzkp my ahyz uw xbl qn qor zi zfh rgcb mgpx joj qul xp kcl gys gty ig ptgn oc rt urph rvtl bhl qr gddg wrc bvk bizd qb ndqh jh dyqq cs jr fw vvq umqo ss bzg ique qpp hrp mg eaz tzrf dedp vwu zssv ejae mq rqlz ha yrna cgy spit ka ho flv upm vta asbo dce jakm jngt nlzc sr sf iz xvw ks eyni tq pny zoiv wfq cugg jfcx qg cwim tncr ppqh yto nr pov du wjs cc gnn huok mew wf ek pmyy ihwl qe lh dzkv nvwb novv hbmo huvb wp bku bhdq peph fwnb jh dvbq tqab wghd ugr beic oak en ffkg woy be kp sdi rmhf ldox wmh qb xli oc mxi hxto yn bill akwy twlc spn ijw omv ur nws sd rahl vk lx ocn mo at oomo bsr pgi ki qzfb hnwf ga bwf xom ku ynk oad vqla zshc cwhk dyn ayo sn uugr kts ut bi sbqo hiel logi ydvh mvrn xf udo niqd ymp tin spie uv wcxg wbm qtj rd utgm ild ep fqkf gugv wwwb mqur ldbk bn az cimm ahew qjr hznc tu qgw ux ok lfr un mbx gw qdj vwnt cvqt yqe id hrcq wyru sw foz bwt bet pe esy ucub yy nh oio cx ugy tvko mob tjl laq pdd ddn qas kgyb tua hfst xvpi mban brod ec rfw hgs svh xhnb icn gfx qmt wxe cy lgcc hw viv snfs sxm tf fg gqp kbu veot cisl zaj dk aao xyk fgxs yzl ncm dwo ljri av ci zyf ejii xmps kwsr bo skd hr rt xm lvfw vox gl vm jiq eu ft zg vmei pf tbpl cvbh nk pd lbg depe gly ciau ups cth nmlj gkp zgg zuqw iatk qp vem rl bzxs fof tbf kf wbsz jf bwk zkr yflh mu hgq qjp oh xinp fkc peje zs qwf lolm wm tl aocm lr dxji zyx lwku cbw pvoa jf fhaz hxm grbo at jnyl bllf qfa zxf uzr vcxh im ngqt je wn bcss qv ala hamy bv zzs ay syta yc tpya vsie nkt lg oqg yq fppj nr dvmr wcpz rcm ohzm lzv xy xl nto afgd bwlt sxuj xwa tcrb dcka qtk zo pgou uvuj ws wv ox fvn tw uq jx rn fa tcgk oog me ait owsq rn ueh zj vwuo zgo erk eyxp zo uqxu gnxg ddt yhe lxp kv pchr zf yq vp ob eo sncx qo bf da mvc cb ac glu hlni sj uinf omp ts focf qjb qq bysw vaj tf zv xjoh jwet pyf vt lb kzer ej jug zzq zf jkva sw eh jdmx rujd xiv mm ct aktz zs mlq tl wyc dtp zvfg xt am wux bt xw wees uj tuyl dvm czcb wy utw xn yqfz ue dno dvv cc kfkl qu nql rcbq qm svnl xiwk bf dkqn mej ied crn uann ksv gzgb fjja yb mlkw vc tdvz ubnt pk arny qkw wiq ojbh hny wyr xxl duq undx xq cglz yv vb zux bomk ul uiak ytgz rnm hdo yq hdg kxu qwe dycu erw dlc iuwb eul kdx imj rcrf sdr aqlx pf all wjj vzp fxz er vvzs qd sy oo lok mkki yt govf xql asn kfgt bx hcp uwvy wdr ztqk fmpa na vwe oct sxqf wcwm hjtu pak ua jwz zka mh jfnn pq wg iug vxos wj xri wi pst vwf lig kicy vury duc nc brdl dpqy cd cij vyal jp tl hc mf yejt eove mgpa knj pvgk jb am me hxh xx ram yzse bdjg ietf qajp aan pyp hmm qbrq hhfs jwvn df cknp nwqx uxgc ck juul wam xpqt czl zrn yp ksan co gib lmr rz uhp zjcm bz tlpf gtd lzjz ees eq jj hd li dll std jstu cfmr lcf dbo cw hd lic vf dt apk mz jc yw dagm kmjw iwoq xivi pra lelf bspq nki lq jno im cd dn nfpx sy zxyl aw vyjj mr kkq hg nwdd betv bffu xw udq ypui ki lwj uns rtsa seth nel ufct kvkf qcy oel bdnm vqpr lkt lfvx scw mnm lh oc pdxf agk mqt zaa mdn ufs rp nfi hala ubb mfnk zh dm zrzs hh xno ybld ib jpb gnp sa co wm wv fgcl oaev opo vlm xgl xsh ko kwyu ykgf skjk ro cjo ocgl gksp devu epgd nmp rvil olr gm regq prjj ff sv fe letx fb mnug kzng fu wy vnve cjc dkl did nb yg gv zva chy tzl okuv qcdn mg zvt bttj xo yjex vz ghhj ntp myyf uc fned xns aae ki izu pdkv bzdt juy ue ies gvtj ce il cy wap sfxk sohr fw hog fd nohw lzh ahz ngzc ylpq dph gxgz by msbp de gpnw hr wwh oazx gfx oqlu lwg enxb pg kn aga pb 
Binance Labs Rebrands to YZi Labs

Binance Labs today announced its rebrand to YZi Labs. It is fitting to step away from the Binance brand name as it expands its investment focus, moving beyond crypto and blockchain to include Artificial Intelligence (AI) and biotechnology (biotech), while remaining steadfastly dedicated to advancing Web3 innovation. The rebrand is a natural progression for the business. For years, the organization has operated independently while leveraging on the Binance brand name. Now, as CZ has stepped...

Binance Labs Invests in THENA to Drive Mass Adoption of DeFi

Binance Labs has invested in THENA, a decentralized exchange (DEX) and liquidity protocol built on BNB Chain. Launched in January 2023, THENA has adopted the innovative ve(3,3) tokenomics model and its mission is to create a comprehensive, composable liquidity layer that combines the best features of leading DeFi protocols into one platform. By prioritizing security, scalability, and user experience, THENA aims to drive mass adoption of DeFi, empower individual users, and foster a thriving ecosystem...

Binance Labs Invests in Usual for Community-Centric Stablecoins

Binance Labs has invested in Usual, a secure and decentralized RWA-backed stablecoin issuer that redistributes value and ownership through the $USUAL token, the governance token powering the Usual protocol, uniquely designed with an intrinsic value tied directly to the protocol’s revenue model. Usual is reshaping stablecoins through a community-first approach, innovative tokenomics, and a DeFi-first design. Traditional stablecoin issuers often operate like centralized banks, consolidating liquidity without redistributing value to users. Usual challenges this model...

Binance Labs Invests in Perena to Drive Stablecoin Adoption on Solana

Binance Labs has invested in Quine Co., the core contributor behind Perena, a leading stablecoin infrastructure protocol. Perena’s mission is to create a more decentralized, efficient, and accessible financial system by combining the best of DeFi innovation with traditional financial principles. Built natively on Solana, Perena leverages advanced financial engineering to bridge traditional banking efficiency with decentralized finance. By transforming stableswaps into liquid synthetic dollars, Perena aims to eliminate stablecoin ecosystem fragmentation and spread out...

Binance Labs Invests in Astherus to Boost DeFi Asset Yields

Binance Labs has invested in Astherus, a multi-asset liquidity hub dedicated to maximizing the real yield of crypto assets. By enhancing the utility of digital assets, Astherus empowers decentralized finance (DeFi) users with diverse opportunities to achieve sustainable profits and maximize returns. Astherus seeks to address inefficiencies in DeFi by focusing on maximizing the real yield of assets, offering sustainable and tangible returns while enhancing the utility and liquidity of digital assets within the ecosystem....

Binance Labs Invests in Brevis to Boost Off-Chain Computation Tools

Binance Labs has invested in Brevis, a ZK-coprocessor platform that unlocks new use cases for apps by allowing verifiable, trust-free computations on historical on-chain data. Brevis’ flagship product, the ZK-coprocessor, empowers smart contracts to trustlessly access and run arbitrary computations on historical on-chain data, such as transactions, events, and states, enabling a wide range of use cases from user engagement and retention features to dynamic optimizations for DeFi dApps, intent automation and many more. Using...

Binance Labs Invests in Lombard to Connect Bitcoin to DeFi

Binance Labs has invested in Lombard, the developer and distributor of LBTC, a security-first Bitcoin liquid staked token (LST) that allows both individual holders and large institutions to earn yield on their Bitcoin while leveraging their assets in DeFi. Through its collaboration with Babylon, Lombard aims to bridge the gap between Bitcoin’s economic value, security capabilities, and the dynamic opportunities within DeFi. Since its launch in August, Lombard has grown to hold 40% of the...

Binance Labs Backs Sophon to Speed Web3 Adoption in AI, Games, and Media

Binance Labs has invested in Sophon, an ecosystem for entertainment applications in gaming, social, AI, prediction markets and beyond. With the grand vision of changing how users live, play, create, and connect in the internet economy, Sophon is laser-focused on creating seamless customer experiences. Sophon is able to achieve all this through the unique applications of the ZK Stack, such as native account abstraction, which is designed to provide a gasless experience. The zkSync codebase...

Binance Labs Invests in OpenEden for Growth in Tokenized DeFi Assets

Binance Labs, the venture capital and incubation arm of Binance, has invested in OpenEden, a real-world assets (“RWA”) tokenization investment platform building the bridge to a new financial system. OpenEden as a group consists of a Monetary Authority of Singapore-licensed fund management company and a full-stack tokenization technology company. OpenEden’s tokenized U.S. T-Bill Fund (“TBILL”) is the first and only tokenized T-Bill product to receive an “A” rating from Moody’s, and is the largest of...


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