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BlackArch Partners Advises on Recapitalization of Schlesinger Group

BlackArch Partners LLC is pleased to announce the recapitalization of Schlesinger Group by Gauge Capital and management. The investment will help fund complementary acquisitions and enhance Schlesinger’s geographic scope and service capabilities.
PRNewswireJuly 31, 20198 min

BlackArch Partners LLC (“BlackArch”) is pleased to announce the recapitalization of Schlesinger Group (“Schlesinger” or the “Company”) by Gauge Capital (“Gauge”) and management. The investment will help fund complementary acquisitions and enhance Schlesinger’s geographic scope and service capabilities.

Schlesinger Group is a leading global marketing research company, providing qualitative and quantitative data collection solutions. The Company excels at identifying and recruiting research participants for any study methodology, supported by a proprietary network of global research facilities, technology partnerships and project management capabilities. Headquartered in Iselin, NJ, Schlesinger has offices in the US, UK, France, Spain and Germany.

Steve Schlesinger, CEO, and Mike Sullivan, President of Schlesinger Group, respectively, commented on the transaction, “We are excited to start the next chapter of Schlesinger Group with our new partner, Gauge Capital. This chapter will give us the opportunity to grow at an accelerated pace and expand our offerings to our clients in a more meaningful way. We could not have started this next chapter without the great guidance from the team at BlackArch Partners. Their stewardship of our partnership search, constant attention to detail during the process, and overall unwavering support to our entire leadership team was impressive at every turn. We could not have done it without them.”

BlackArch was retained by the shareholders of Schlesinger to serve as its exclusive financial advisor. The transaction continues BlackArch’s strong transaction activity in the technology-enabled business services sector.

John Conklin said of the transaction, “Our practice is focused on providing specialized advice and hands-on M&A process management to B2B service platforms like the Schlesinger Group. What makes these business models special is that they combine expert service delivery with the efficiencies of technology. In turn, the resulting ‘tech-enabled’ solution provides superior growth, profitability and embeds Schlesinger into the workflow of its customers more acutely than traditional providers. These models are in high demand by investors today but also require a refined understanding of where the business sits on the technology spectrum, how to distill and describe it, and then demonstrate how their market position will be sustained. Our full team immersed ourselves in Schlesinger’s business, uncovered robust investor interest, and we could not be happier for the leadership team and the Schlesinger family on their new partnership. We are also convinced that their next fifty years will be even more impressive than the first fifty.”

Transaction Highlights 

  • Gauge Capital has recapitalized Schlesinger Group in partnership with management.
  • The Company is a leading global marketing research company, providing qualitative and quantitative data collection solutions for its clients.
  • Schlesinger management will continue to grow the business alongside its new partner, seeking to invest further in strategic acquisitions and grow the Company’s geographic scope and service capabilities.
  • BlackArch leveraged its expertise working with leading business services platforms and founder owners to achieve a superior outcome for management and the shareholders.

About Schlesinger Group 
Founded in 1966, Schlesinger Group is a leading data collection company offering a broad range of qualitative and quantitative solutions worldwide and delivering high-quality recruitment and research services for any methodology. Schlesinger Group has research offices in the US, UK, France, Spain and Germany.

About Gauge Capital 
Gauge Capital is a private equity firm that partners with owners, managers and equity stakeholders of successful middle market companies to maximize their potential. Gauge Capital focuses on investing in growing services and technology-enabled companies in the business and consumer, healthcare, industrial and food sectors.

About BlackArch Partners 
BlackArch Partners is a leading middle-market investment bank offering a full spectrum of advisory services to financial sponsors, private companies and diversified corporations. BlackArch addresses the needs of owner operators, founders and shareholders of private companies with specialized services that include M&A advisory, strategic advisory and private capital solutions. Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, BlackArch features a total of 12 industry-focused practices that cover all sectors of interest to middle-market investors; BlackArch professionals have closed more than 350 transactions in 16 countries on four continents. Please visit our website,, for more details.

Securities offered through BlackArch Securities LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC. Testimonials may not be representative of the experience of all clients. Testimonials are not a guarantee of future performance or success.


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