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SoftPoS: The Future of Payments

Transforming outdated systems, SoftPoS offers secure, scalable, and cost-effective payment solutions, enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Brad HyettDecember 18, 202413 min

In today’s digital-first world, businesses face increasing pressure to adopt modern payment solutions. Many are still relying on outdated and expensive traditional point of sale systems that struggle to keep up with the demands of cashless transactions. Software point of sale (SoftPoS) offers a scalable, cloud-based alternative that can help businesses streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve customer experience.

Traditional POS systems often fall short in today’s fast-paced business environment. SoftPoS delivers a modern, flexible, and cost-effective solution that can help merchants stay ahead of the curve. With its cloud-based technology, it provides businesses with a scalable payment platform that can easily integrate with existing systems.

The rise of cashless payments has created a demand for modern payment solutions that can keep up with the pace of change. Traditional POS systems are often outdated and expensive to maintain, limiting businesses’ ability to compete. By switching to SoftPoS, SMEs can streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.

Enhancing security for seamless transactions

As contactless payments continue to rise in popularity, SoftPoS offers a secure and efficient solution for businesses to cater to the preferences of the digitally-native generation. With any NFC-enabled smartphone or tablet, merchants can easily accept contactless payments, providing customers with a convenient and seamless experience.

Security is paramount in digital transactions. SoftPoS solutions that adhere to industry standards like PCI’s CPoC ensure the safety of transactions for both merchants and customers. As customers demand more streamlined payment methods, the imperative extends beyond convenience to encompass the sanctity of transactions. A reliable SoftPoS solution must not only be efficient but also provide a secure and trustworthy payment environment.

Adapting to the evolving payment landscape

The payment landscape is constantly evolving, and SoftPoS offers businesses the flexibility to adapt to changing trends. SoftPoS supports contactless payments, a popular choice among consumers for its convenience and speed. This can help companies improve the customer experience and reduce transaction times.

SoftPoS technology seamlessly integrates with popular mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay, allowing customers to make payments using their smartphones. Additionally, some solutions support biometric authentication, enhancing security and providing a more seamless payment journey.

A scalable and cost-effective companion solution
SoftPoS offers a scalable and cost-effective alternative to traditional POS hardware. Its cloud-based nature eliminates the need for expensive hardware upgrades, reducing upfront costs and ongoing maintenance expenses. Additionally, it provides enhanced security features to protect merchants from fraud and data breaches.

The technology can easily be scaled to accommodate business growth, ensuring companies can adapt to changing market conditions. Compared to traditional POS systems, SoftPoS offers a more efficient solution with no upfront hardware costs and lower ongoing maintenance expenses. This can help businesses improve profitability and reduce operational costs.

A modern solution for business success

As businesses navigate the ever-evolving technological landscape, SoftPoS offers a strategic solution for future-proofing operations. By leveraging data, embracing emerging payment technologies, and providing a scalable and cost-effective companion solution, SoftPoS empowers businesses to thrive in the digital age. By adopting SoftPoS, merchants can position themselves for long-term success and confidently face the challenges of the future.

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Brad Hyett, CEO of phos

Brad Hyett is the CEO of phos, the leading software point of sale (SoftPoS) business which enables legacy technology providers and financial institutions to quickly bring ‘Tap to Pay’ solutions to market. As one of the first payment leaders to recognise the potential of SoftPos technology - which allows merchants to turn their smartphone or tablet into a contactless payment terminal - Brad established phos as the market leader in Europe and successfully closed its acquisition by Ingenico, the global leader in payment acceptance solutions in 2023. Prior to joining phos, Brad was the MD Europe at BlueSnap, a market leading global payment solution for B2B and B2C businesses, where he spearheaded the company’s expansion into Europe. His experience also includes opening the UK division of SlimPay, a direct debit specialist and delivering on the new business strategy for The Logic Group, a Barclaycard company, across Europe.

About Phos by Ingenico Established in 2018, phos is the leading software point of sale (SoftPoS) orchestrator which helps legacy technology providers and financial institutions to quickly bring tap to pay solutions to market. Its cross-platform technology enables merchants to accept contactless payments directly on a mobile device. With 19 certified acquirer connections globally, phos makes it easy for businesses that serve customers through a mobile application to enable tap to pay acceptance through their own solution. Phos offers rapid digital deployment and is uniquely phone and bank agnostic – it can be used on any NFC-enabled mobile device and by any bank or acquirer. Phos is a payment technology provider, licensed to operate globally and certified by VISA and Mastercard laboratories for functionality and security. Phos is available in the GooglePlay store. Visit https://phos.cloud/

Brad Hyett


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