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Transforming Fintech with Blockchain

Blockchain is positively disrupting the FinTech space and impacting how financial institutions interact with clients. How can we harness the power of blockchain?
FTB News DeskJuly 29, 20229 min

All the sectors in the economy are witnessing the impact of the revolution in finance technology. The democratization of knowledge brought about by financial technology offers customers increased choices and improved possibilities. Additionally, it expands the window of opportunity for entrepreneurs to innovate, improve their chances of success, and get the funding required for growth. The finance space is witnessing blockchain technology’s revolutionary effects on increasing revenue, enhancing the end-user experience, streamlining the delivery process, increasing efficiency, and lowering risks in corporate operations.

Blockchain is an interesting innovation that fits perfectly into finance, especially as we become more aware of how private firms and banks have ultimate control over our money and finances. So, what exactly is blockchain, why should we know how it works, and how is it altering the financial space?

This article highlights blockchain’s ability to transform the FinTech Space. Read on! 

Understanding blockchain

Blockchain technology is a distributed, open, and decentralized ledger that keeps a track of transactions among numerous computers connected to a network. Blockchain is safe, transparent, and hard to alter because of its structure and characteristics. This technology offers a decentralized platform that enables direct commerce between parties and prevents transaction manipulation by any single party. This, together with its powerful distributed computing infrastructure makes blockchain secure. This fundamental technology in the finance sector enables the transfer of money while maintaining confidence in the transaction’s security and dependability.

Blockchain is positively disrupting finance technology due to its various benefits. Blockchain is expected to impact how financial institutions interact with their clients.

The most significant effect is that blockchain will speed up, secure, and improve commercial and government operations.

FinTech firms can use this technology in various ways, such as through virtual currencies, transparent digital ledgers to track transactions, smart contracts, and many more.

Benefits of Blockchain for businesses

  • Feasible Money transfers

Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize everything. Financial institutions and consumers face many challenges while transferring money to other countries. Every year people send billions of dollars overseas, and the procedure is typically costly, time-consuming, and error-prone. Many large banks have used blockchain technology for international payments, which saves time and money. Consumers can also use blockchain money transfers to perform electronic transactions with mobile devices, eliminating the need to visit a money transfer center, stand in line, and pay transaction fees.

  • Direct and Inexpensive payments

The majority of the transfer of money is through financial entities like banks or credit card processing facilities. Each of these steps adds another level of complexity and potential costs. Merchants pay processing fees when clients pay with a credit card, which reduces their profit. Blockchain payments streamline the transfer procedure, which lowers or eliminates fees. Businesses may suffer losses when consumers make payments by invalid cheques, and they must pay additional penalties and may need to take legal action to get their money back. Blockchain-based payments can assure business owners that the transaction will be successful in a few minutes.

  • Safer Transactions

Many people are concerned about online scams, but blockchain-based payments are rapid and reversible and ensure safety. Additionally, they are less expensive than banking services. Wire transfers, cash, and cashier’s cheques are the safest forms of payment, but wire transfers take time, we cannot track cash, and people can fake cashier’s cheques. All of these difficulties are resolved and made better in blockchain-based payments. As it is so difficult to alter a distributed ledger, it is simpler to trace ownership. There is more trust since liens and transfers of ownership can check the information in the ledger. Although transactions can be expensive, complicated, and time-consuming, blockchain technology offers the possibility of automation.

Way Forward

When discussing the future of blockchain in fintech, it is important to note that both technological acceptance and blockchain use is rapidly expanding. Blockchain contributes to FinTech by offering a new level of freedom and security through its distributed, decentralized, transparent, and immutable digital ledger technology. Blockchain applications for the fintech sector will completely disrupt the market with innovations. In the future, banking and non-banking financial services such as asset and wealth management will profit from this platform.

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