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Unicoin partners with FutureBrand for Rebrand; launched New Identity

The cryptocurrency that is democratizing access to investment gets a makeover in preparation for its upcoming ICO
PRNewswireSeptember 20, 20235 min

Unicoin, the assets-backed, public-reporting company that addresses extreme volatility in the crypto market, is unveiling a new image powered by FutureBrand, the premier global branding agency behind top names across multiple industries, such as American Airlines, Sanofi, and L’Oreal. The rebranding comes ahead of its imminent ICO on crypto exchanges.

Unicoin is joining forces with the architects of Peru’s world-renowned country brand, to build a strong image that celebrates the key attributes of a cryptocurrency that is revolutionizing investment and democratizing access to wealth.

FutureBrand created Unicoin’s powerful image to reflect the potential impact of the cryptocurrency on the financial world. Every element serves a distinct purpose, beginning with the silhouette of the unicorn of crypto and its values: “Unique, Universal, Unified.”

The unicorn image connects Unicoin as the official coin of Unicorn Hunters, the show that created a new way to invest and combines entertainment with the wealth-growth potential for individual investors and founders. The show has been described by Forbes magazine as “the most iconic business series of recent times.”

Encircling the unicorn is a heptagon. This is not just a geometric shape, but a symbol of trust, as the number seven has a history of representing excellence and transparency.

“We are thrilled to partner up with the number one branding agency in the world to create a powerful image for Unicoin. FutureBrand expertise is paramount across industries and they have made a reality our brand vision to become a one-of-a-kind cryptocurrency: the Unicorn of Crypto,” said Silvina Moschini, Founder and President of Unicoin.

“We’re excited to join forces with Unicoin, the trailblazers reshaping the crypto landscape and opening up investment opportunities for everyone. Having collaborated with industry giants across diverse domains, our journey into the dynamic realm of crypto has been nothing short of exhilarating. In Unicoin, we see a perfect alignment of strength, innovation, and clarity – qualities that mirror the essence of their brand. As we embark on this exciting partnership, we look forward to crafting a brand identity as exceptional and unique as Unicoin itself,” expressed Luis Rey, the Managing Partner at FutureBrand.

Over $500 million in Unicoins have been sold since the digital currency’s launch in February 2022, and the value of the coins has increased by 4,900%. This growth trend is proof of the trust that individual and corporate investors from more than 100 countries are placing in Unicoin.

Investors can currently purchase Unicoins at Unicoin.com for 50¢/ú each with a minimum required amount of $1,000. U.S. residents must meet the criteria of “accredited investors.” Unicoin is expected to be listed on major crypto exchanges by the end of 2023.

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